Dancing with the Fireflies

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Mao Mao awoke with a start, bumping his head on the wooden ceiling of Adorabat's bunk bed. Stifling a groan as to not wake the others, he quietly slipped out of bed and exited the house. It was a quiet summer night, the stars sparkling up in the dark orchid sky. The moon shone brightly, its golden glow shining down on Pure Heart Valley.

Mao Mao sighed and sat down on the steps. The porch light flickered, casting its glimmer on Mao Mao. He rubbed the part where he hit his head, and stared out into the darkness.

He heard footsteps behind him and someone sitting down beside him, but he didn't turn to look, because he knew exactly who it was.

"You having those dreams again?" Came Badgerclops' voice.

"Yeah," Mao Mao muttered. "I'm having them again."

Badgerclops yawned. "Well, you couldn't have had them at a better time, because I am tired as heck!" He stretched and groaned. "But seriously, why are you having them again?"

"I don't know!" Mao Mao snapped. "I've gone to Blue's therapy sessions and I've come to terms with them, but they still happen!"

"So, let's go to Blue then," Badgerclops said. "Though I doubt that he'll want to wake up this early just to help some crank."

"You're not funny you know." Mao Mao grumbled.

"Listen," Badgerclops wrapped his arm around his feline partner. "I know how you can't sleep after, well you know, your nightmares. After all, I was your buddy for a while before we got here." He stood up and offered Mao Mao a hand.

"Are we going somewhere?" Mao Mao asked.

"Just trust me, okay?" Reluctantly, Mao Mao followed Badgerclops as he lead them away from HQ and down a woody path filled with towering trees and rustling leaves in the nighttime wind. Soon enough, the thicket began to gradually become less dense, with less conifers, until Badgerclops and Mao Mao were in a small clearing, the grass almost reaching their knees.

"Badgerclops," Mao Mao whispered

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"Badgerclops," Mao Mao whispered. "Why are we here?"

"Shhh!" Badgerclops motioned. He gestured to Mao Mao a fallen log that rested nearby on the ground, and he tiptoed towards it with such stealth that Mao Mao thought impossible for someone like Badgerclops to have. Mao Mao walked silently towards the log and sat down next to Badgerclops, who was nearly bursting with excitement.

"Badgerclops seriously, why did you bring me-" Mao Mao stopped. A small bright light floated out of the grass which glowed with an almost magical light. Mao Mao thought he was dreaming, but with a pinch of his cheek, he realized that he wasn't. Badgerclops broke out into a grin as more of what Mao Mao realized were fireflies began to float from the ground. Their little lights flickered as their wings flapped on and about, greeting other firebugs that they bumped into. Mao Mao let out a breath of wonder as they started to illuminate the moonlit forest with their glow.

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