Valentine's Dance

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Today was a special day in Pure Heart Valley and the world. Valentines Day; a heartfelt tradition that existed since time immemorial. Since Badgerclops and Mao Mao were new to Pure Heart Valley, they were quite surprised by the festivity that was occurring on this day. King Snugglemane declared a party in his palace, and everyone was invited (yes, even Pinky). The trio flew to the castle on the aero-cycle during the evening. Mao Mao and Badgerclops were excited to see what the party was like, Adorabat telling them that the Valentine's party was a blast. Badgerclops and Mao Mao were dressed in well-tailored suits and Adorabat wore a pink dress, which she loved.

Mao Mao knocked on the palace doors, and an instant later, the door opened and the group entered the palace. A disco ball sparkled brilliantly as colours flashed all around the chamber. Sweetiepies danced to the tempo of the melody that the royal musicians were playing. Seeing over it all was Snugglemane, seated on his throne and viewing the gathering with delight.

"Wow!" Mao Mao looked around in amazement. "This is pretty cool!"

"Tell me about it." Badgerclops agreed. Suddenly, his eyes found the appetizer table, which held a wide assortment of treats, ranging from chocolate cakes to delicious looking breads and cobbler. Fountains of punch flowed with their fruity liquids.

"There's my cue!" Badgerclops waved goodbye quickly before dashing off towards the delectables. Mao Mao turned to Adorabat, who disappeared into the throng and was currently dancing with other sweetiepie children. That left Mao Mao in the middle, alone, with no one to dance with.

Suddenly, Snugglemane stood up from his throne and clapped his hands, the musicians immediately cutting off.

"Dear citizens," He announced with his royal accent. "I would like to thank all of you for coming to the annual Valentine's dance." At that, the sweetiepies cheered. "And now..." He turned to the musicians. "Time for the partner dancing!" At Snugglemane's order, the musicians began playing a romantic tune. The lights in the ballroom turned a lovely shade of rose and pink. The sweetiepies split off into pairs, dancing slowly to the harmony.

Mao Mao looked on at the happy couples that were enjoying themselves. Soon enough, he felt a growing feeling of loneliness, and quietly, he exited the ballroom and found himself on a balcony. All of Pure Heart Valley could be seen from here, the vale wrapped in the blanket of the night, the stars glittering overhead in the sky.

Mao Mao heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see Badgerclops.

"You okay man?" Badgerclops stood next to him.

"Yeah," Mao Mao replied. "I just..." He sighed.

"Is it because you have nobody to dance with?" Badgerclops asked. Mao Mao nodded. Badgerclops scratched his chin dramatically before his eyes lit up with an idea.

"What if..." He extended his hand to Mao Mao. "I dance with you?"

"Really?" Mao Mao asked.

"Yeah man, and besides," He winked. "It's Valentine's Day." With that, he grabbed Mao Mao's hand and lead him back into the ballroom, where the partner dancing was still going on. Mao Mao hesitated at first, but just looking at Badgerclops' reassuring smile encouraged him to start dancing.

Badgerclops and Mao Mao began to move across the floor of the ballroom, their feet shuffling and sliding. Badgerclops moved his left foot backwards, and Mao Mao slid his foot forward, pursuing Badgerclops' foot like a predator to prey. Badgerclops smirked and began twirling Mao Mao around, the feline gracefully performing the action with skill. Everyone else paused and watched the duo, applauding as the two danced with swift elegance. The royal musicians started to ramp up their music, the tempo increasing, Badgerclops and Mao Mao also becoming faster and faster.

Eventually, the intensity ramped up to the point where the pair were struggling to keep up. But they kept at it, until Badgerclops fell over from exhaustion. The sweetiepies, who watched with admiration cheered at the heroes skillful dancing. Snugglemane clapped the loudest, admiring the duo's almost perfect dance. Adorabat came rushing out of the crowd and praised them.

"You guys were amazing!" She complimented.

"Thanks...Adorabat..." Badgerclops gasped for breath. "Where...where's" Mao Mao chuckled.

"Come on Badgerclops," he lifted his friend up and guided him towards the condiments tables. "Let's get you something to eat."

And so, the night continued on, as everyone had a good time. It was nearly the middle of the night when the champagne and beer was cracked open, and Mao Mao started chugging the stuff, Badgerclops dying of laughter at the things he said. By then, most of the Valentine's partygoers has left with their children, including Adorabat. And thank goodness she wasn't there to see Mao Mao.

"What are youuuu...laughing at?" Mao Mao slurred. "Can't *hic* a guy...have a drinkkk?"

Badgerclops wiped a tear from his face. "Nothing...nothing at all."

"Hey Badgerclops," Mao Mao burped. "I liked it when we...we danced togetheerrr..." He hiccuped. "I... really, really, reaaalllly liked it..."

"Yeah, I liked it too." Badgerclops agreed. "How did you learn how to dance like that?"

"From good old papa..." Mao Mao drunkenly mumbled. "He sisters that dancing...was a good practice dexterityyy..." He laughed bitterly. " should've seen how...I tried performing a ballet dance...and I failed so miserably..." Tears beaded the edges of his eyes. "I was a failuurreee..."

"Okay, I think that's enough that of that," Badgerclops said, taking the bottle out of Mao Mao's hands, which Mao Mao tried grabbing it back, but was unsuccessful in doing so. "Come on partner, let's go."

After casually saying goodbye to King Snugglemane, Badgerclops buckled in Mao Mao to the aero-cycle and piloted back to the HQ. Mao Mao started snoring, leaning on Badgerclops' back and drooling a little bit. When Badgerclops tried to lean a bit forward, Mao Mao kept snuggling into his fur, murmuring incoherent things like "don't leave me" and "don't go".

At last, they arrived home, Mao Mao almost on sleep's door. Badgerclops unbuckled his strap and carried him inside. Gently, he placed his friend in his bed, trying not to disturb a sleeping Adorabat. But before he went into his own berth, he softly kissed Mao Mao on the cheek. Mao Mao stirred and opened his eyes a little. When seeing Badgerclops, he mumbled something along the line of;

"I love ya, but I want to go to sleep." Badgerclops chuckled and climbed up into his bunk, feeling warm and happy.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mao Mao TalesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora