Butterfly Wings

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A strange and beautiful occurrence was happening in Pure Heart Valley. The day had begun like any other, with the Sheriff's Department patrolling the valley, looking out for any crime that might come about. But being in a kingdom that was filled with a lot of cute and kind people, the only crime that might occur was...squabbles between the sweetiepies over things that were not worth it.

"So I said, 'That's my toy!' And guess what he does?" Chubbum glared at Pinky. "He just takes it!"

"Nuh-uh!" Pinky blew a raspberry at Chubbum. "I definitely didn't do that!"

"Ugh..." Mao Mao rolled his eyes. "Pinky, just give Chubbum his toy back."

"No! It's mine!" Pinky began running off, but Badgerclops quickly extended his mech arm and grabbed Pinky.

"You're not going anywhere dude," Badgerclops plucked the toy from Pinky's hooves and gave it Chubbum.

"Hey! That's no fair!" Pinky protested as Mao Mao put him in cuffs.

"Then you probably shouldn't have stolen it," Mao Mao shot back. "And you're going to spend about an hour in the time out zone."

Adorabat gasped. "Not the time out zone!" Badgerclops snickered at the name. "What?"

"Time out zone..." He laughed. "Oh man..."

"Why are you laughing?" Adorabat asked. "The time out zone is the most severe punishment for any person!"

After hearing that, Badgerclops doubled down on his laughter, to the point where Mao Mao had to drag both him and Pinky to the aero-cycle. Blasting off into the sky, the trio dropped Pinky off into the time out zone, much to his protest.

"Well, now that we're done with Pinky, and there's no crime currently happening, I say that we're finished here." Mao Mao said. He started the engine once again, and the trio flew through the sky back towards the HQ.

"I'm still a bit amazed by the fact that you named the jail the 'time out zone'." Badgerclops chuckled.

"I get it Badgerclops," Mao Mao replied. "It's a childish name for something that is-"

"WATCH OUT!" Adorabat screeched, startling Mao Mao and Badgerclops. Mao Mao jerked the controls of the aero-cycle to the left, causing it to spin out of control. When it stabilized in the air, Mao Mao turned to look at Adorabat.

"Adorabat, how many times do you have to tell you?" He lectured. "You know that cats are a bit more sensitive to loud noises, so whenever-"

"Dude," Badgerclops interrupted as he looked up into the sky. "Look up there!" He pointed.

"What-" Mao Mao looked up to where Badgerclops was pointing. It was quite an astonishing sight. Hundreds, if not thousands of strange, multicoloured butterflies that fluttered in many flocks.

"What are those?" Mao Mao asked.

"Those are butterflies!" Adorabat explained. "And not just any plain butterflies, they're special!" She squealed in excitement. "Today's the day!"

"Today's the what?" Badgerclops asked.

"Don't you guys know?" Adorabat could hardly contain her excitement. "It's Annual Butterfly Day!"

"Annual Butterfly Day?" Mao Mao said. "I've never heard of it."

"Why is it that there's always some new holiday that we've never heard of before?" Badgerclops pondered.

"Maybe because you haven't been here long enough." Adorabat suggested. "C'mon Mao Mao, we gotta hurry!"

"To where?" Mao Mao began, but was immediately cut off by Adorabat. "Where the butterflies are going to!" Mao Mao kicked off the engine and pivoted around, flying after the butterfly flocks, who were beginning to descend down to a nearby hillside, where a lot of the residents were currently waiting. Marigolds were scattered around the hill's bottom, almost looking like a sea of yellow and orange. King Snugglemane was already there, sitting on a throne that was clearly carried by the guards that stood around him. As the trio landed on the hill, he called from his throne.

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