30 (Short)

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Everyone was waiting in the doctors office. They were waiting to hear the update on Harry and everyone was a bit on edge. Louis was freaking out and he was very close to breaking down at this point. He was just thinking that everything was going to be okay and he thought that Harry was going to come back unharmed, but no. The boy is now in the hospital and they don't know if Harry's going to make it or not.

He was the one who was pacing back and forth and everyone watched him, knowing that he's breaking right now. The doctor walked in after another 15 minutes and everyone nearly got themselves a whiplash of how quick their heads turned. "How's Harry?" Louis asked and the doctor sighed before he said, "Will you follow me?" He asked they all stood, and Louis was ahead of the rest of them as they walked to a more private room. He opened the door for everyone and when everyone was in, the doctor closed the door right behind himself.

"I'm not going to wait an hour to hear on the status of my best friend. How is he?" Louis asked, getting really annoyed now. "He is far from good," the doctor said and Mark stepped in. "What do you mean sir?" "He has 5 broken ribs, one of them slightly punctured his lung. He has a broken wrist. Then there is a wound on his shoulder that got infected. There are many cuts and bruises. Then there was a the poisoning of the deadly chemical." "He will get better soon, right?" Mark then asked and the doctor sighed.

"I don't know about that Mr. Tomlinson. The kid is in a coma right now and we are now trying to get the poisoning out from his blood." "What are the chances of him actually making it?" Liam asked and the doctor gave them a sympathetic look before he said, "It's very slim. Right now he's standing at a 10% of actually making it." Right before he walks out of the room.

Everyone looks down in sadness before Louis began to cry, and it didn't take long before everyone else joined him and cried as well. This was so unexpected and they hate that it had to be Harry. "Just pray to God for a miracle. We are trying the best that we can. Now I will be attending to my other patients if you excuse me." The doctor said before he walked fully out of the room.

2 weeks later...
Harry still never woke up and Louis was still right by Harry's side. The doctor was a bit hesitant, but he did walk into the room. He looked at the boy who was in the coma and he looked at the boy who had been crying for dear life on a daily basis right by Harry's side, holding his hand tight. "Um...Mr. Tomlinson, I think that it is best if we-"

"Dare finish that sentence and I will kick your ass. Don't you dare take a step to the plug either. Harry's going to make it god dammit," Louis cursed, cutting the doctor off. The doctor looked at him before he sighed and walked out of the room, leaving the two alone.

"Hey Harry...I know that it's stupid to be talking to you when you can't hear me...but I want to say that I love you. I still do and I know that you wanted me to move on from you, but I can't. I won't. You've captured my heart, Harry, and you've held it hostage. Even if you don't like me in that way...I still love you and I want to be with you. Even if we are just friends, I don't care. Yes there are days where I wish that I was yours, but I respect your wishes. I can't live in this world without you in it. If your gone, then I don't know what I'll do. I might go insane...or I'll just kill myself. Loosing a person like you will do that kind of thing to me toy kno- What the fuck!" Louis shouted once he felt the movement of Harry's fingers that were laying flat in his own.

Then there was Harry's heart monitor. It began to speed up and the doctors poured in, kicking Louis our of the room. Louis looked at his hands and then he smiled. He just knew that his Harry was going to be okay. He knew that Harry was going to live. He just knew it. Louis walked to where his family and friends were and he told them everything and they were smiling as well. After a little bit, the doctor walked out of Harry's room and approached everyone. He had no expression on his face, but the bunch was too ecstatic to even care. "How is he?!?" Louis asked with a bright smile on his face. "He's...he's..." "He what!" Niall then shouted, too irritated with the doctors procrastination.

"He's alive and he is well. His left wrist will be in a cast for only a week, but the rest of him is healed and is safe for use." The doctor said and Louis lit up. He sped andll of the way to Harry's room and he busted through the doors, and when he saw Harry in that bed with his eyes opened and looking right at him, he shouted, "Harry!" "Lou!" Harry shouted with a fond smile on his face.

"You scared the fuck out of me. I thought that you were going to leave me again," Louis said with happy tears pouring down his face. "I can never leave you love. You have my heart and you've held it hostage. Without that, I can never leave," Harry said before he took hold of Louis's hand and pulled him into a hug. Louis hugged the boy tightly and there was no way that he was going to let this one go.

3 weeks later
After the funeral that they held for Desmond and when everybody was gone, it was only Harry and Louis left at the graveyard. "I did it mom...I finally did it. I killed that prick and now you can officially rest..." Harry mumbled as he caught sight of his mother's grave. The memories of his mother flushed in and he broke down right then and there. He was finally released from the life-long goal and the weight was finally lifted off of his shoulders.

Louis turned hem and he hugged the crying boy tight and that made Harry smile a small smile. He may have lost his family, but he thanks the Lord that he has another one right behind him. The boys, the boy's family, and his other friends are his new family and he's just so grateful. The two of them were there for another 30 minutes before they both decided that they should return home.

Louis had a tired Harry in his arms even though he is the one who used to be carried because of his height...he was still able to carry the tall boy. When the two of them reached Harry's door, Louis carried him through the doors and to his bed. Louis tucked Harry in his bed and he was about to leave when he was done, but Harry grabbed his wrist. "Lou..." Harry spoke in a tired voice and Louis just smiled before he got in the bed with Harry.

He moved a hair from Harry's face and said, "I will never let you leave me sun. I will go so far to just keep you here and with me." Harry opened his eyes and chuckled before he looked at Louis. He leaned in and kissed the smol boy. Louis froze out of shock, but he slowly started to kiss back. "I love you too Louis, I will never accept myself to leave you. That's for a fact." Harry told him and Louis brightened out of pure happiness before he kissed Harry this time.

"I love you more sun!" Louis exclaimed before the two of them cuddled before they slowly fell asleep with the brightest of smiles on their faces.

This was their dream coming to life...finding love.
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