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"I can't believe that happend"

My mom stared at me while we were eating the fish & chips we bought earlier today. I was too scared to reply.

"You lied to me Elianne." She said and I shook my head.

"No I didn't. I was telling the truth. We're just friends." I replied carefully. I heard my mom scoff.

"I don't think friends kiss and taste each other." My mom replied and I rolled my eyes. "It was an accident" I told her, and I knew she could tell I was lying. I wasn't the best liar.

"How was this an accident? Did you fall and land on his lips?" My mom asked.

"Why are you making this such a big deal?" I asked, trying to dodge her question. I truly didn't understand why this was such a big deal to her. It made no sense.

She didn't reply and I stood up. My mom watched my every move and furrowed her brows. "What are you doing?" She asked me all of a sudden.

"I'm going." I simply replied, not in the mood to argue about something that didn't make sense anyway.

I threw my food away and ran in the other direction, leaving my mom behind. My vision got blurry because of the tears that were starting to brew in my eyes. Suddenly all the events from today hit me.

Harry kissed me. He kissed me for no reason at all. Was he just playing with my feelings or did he actually feel something for me? I knew Harry didn't love me, but still I hoped he did. I wanted answers to the millions of questions that were running through my head. I searched for my phone in the pocket of my coat. I scrolled down in my contacts until I found Harry his number.

I hesitated before calling, what was I gonna say if he picked up? I heard a few beep tones and then the line went dead. No answer.

I called again, but gave up when I didn't get an answer once again. I locked my phone, and slipped in back into my pocket. Suddenly I was freezing cold. I looked around me for a place to warm myself up. There were no cafés and all the shops were closed. The only things left were the stalls on the market and a pub.

I decided to just go into the pub. I walked towards it and carefully opened the door, taking a glance inside. The walls were black, and the floor was checkered black and white. I made my way towards the bar and sat down on a stool. I leant on the bar, and rested my face in my left hand.

"Hi, what can I get ya?" The man behind the bar asked, and I shrugged. "Uh.. surprise me I guess." I replied and he nodded.

I noticed somebody familiar sitting at the end of the bar. A sad look on his face and he seemed off. I moved closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned himself towards me, and I met the familiar green eyes again. His pupils were big and only a little of green was showing. What did he do?

"Harry?" I asked concerned and he just stared at me, not saying anything. I scrunched up my nose when the faint smell of alcohol hit me. I sighed and shook my head.

"I feel so stupid." Harry said all of a sudden, his answer coming unexpectedly. I furrowed my brows. "Why?" I asked him and he gave me a little shrug.

"I fucked up today." He replied. "I did and took.. some things." He admitted lowly, and glanced at me. "I don't even know how I ended up in here."

"You made a bad decision." I said and placed my hand on his shoulder again, trying to reassure him. "Whatever you took or did is never the answer." I continued trying my best to get my point across without making him feel even worse. "You might feel a lot better at first, but when the feeling stops, it only makes you hit the surface even harder, and you'll go under."

Harry furrowed his brows. "How do you know?"

I froze, but tried to act fine. "I just... know" I shrugged.

"It was a stupid decision" He said once again.

"It's fine, we all make stupid decisions sometimes." I replied, and he nodded.

I was worried but I didn't let it show, knowing he didn't need anybody to freak about what he did in that moment. I knew he was mad at himself for his actions, and he was judging himself for that. I wanted to stop his thoughts, I wanted him to feel okay for a while.

"I'm sorry." Harry said and looked down at the floor. "For what?" I asked confused.

"For... what happend earlier today." He whispered, and I almost couldn't understand what he said.

"It's okay, but you can't keep thinking about it." I told him, knowing Harry wouldn't let things like these go away easily.

He sighed, his gaze still to the floor. "I know... I'm just dissapointed in myself, I suppose." He replied quietly. "I fucked everything up."

"No, you haven't." I told him, and he sent me a little glance, letting me know he didn't believe me.

It kills me to see him put himself down and to see him upset, about not knowing himself anymore. It broke me and I didn't know why.

I took a step closer to him and hugged him. He seemed a bit uneasy, but then he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, his muscles relaxing under my touch. He leaned his cheek on top of my head, letting out a deep breath and hugging me even tighter.

After some seconds the moment came and we let go of each other.

"I want to take you somewhere." He said all of a sudden. "Like where?" I asked.

"That's a surprise, come on follow me." He said and started to walk away, stumbling a bit at first. "Wait! I still need to finish my drink." I said and quickly chugged down my drink. "Okay let's go." I said and Harry chuckled.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote ;). -H

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