15. Dissipates

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Things get a little funky.

HOW MANY TIMES will it rain a day?

Once? Twice? Nonstop?

It's almost ceaseless.

The freezing chill makes (Y/n) reluctant to get up, and she continues to stay balled up under thick, impenetrable blankets. It's hazy, but she's forced out and finds herself on her way to school.

Teleportation. With this quirk, it's easier to just get there, and the first place she teleports to is the school bathroom, where no one will find her.

For a good five minutes, she contemplates staying there rather than head to class, but her grandma would be less than please, she knows. Finally, she makes herself leave and face the world, but everyone seems be watching her every move.

No, they don't seem to be; they are. The students are staring at her, waiting for her to make a mistake. It's only middle school, and she's only been here for a short amount of time, but she can't mix. She doesn't want to. Kids her age, they kill each other. And no one knows death better than (Y/n).

In class, she has to sit in the very front. It's the worst seat, and everyone can scan her every movement, sneak up on her, judge from anywhere. When she's in class, she doesn't want to move.

When did they get out of class? She doesn't remember when she's being harassed somewhere hidden from view on school grounds. Some classmates are yelling at her for god knows what, screaming at her face as they toss out the books in her backpack.

Why can't she teleport? It's like she's frozen, and either she can't or she won't, but she can't tell which. Time is murky right now, too distorted for her to pay attention.

It doesn't matter. They want a reaction. If she shows she doesn't care, they'll get bored quickly.

"What's this?" says one of them.

Her eyes widen when he takes a photograph out of her binder that was loose, but she stays firmly planted against the chainlink fence.

It's black and white. Was it black and white before?

"This your dad or something?" he says. The other two classmates glance at it, and the one holding it smirks. "It's alright. We'll ruin it next time."

He tosses it on the pile, where the ceaseless rain continues to pour down. They turn and leave, and the instant they do, (Y/n) desperately gathers the items in her backpack, hoping to shield them from the rain.

Her work is soaking, and she'll have to dry it when she gets home. Something yellow catches her attention, and she looks up for a second, but has to look again.

It's a student, maybe an upperclassmen. Something strikes her as familiar, but washes away when the student only looks at her for a few moments and left too.

Something pangs in her chest. Maybe she was disappointed. Or relieved. (Y/n) couldn't really tell, but it's not important either way.

"I'll be out for a bit," says her grandma, putting on her scarf and grabbing her purse off the rack of the wall. "Help your dad take care of your grandpa and the bakery."

Dad? (Y/n) narrows her eyes, confused by the mention.

"Hey, you're home," somebody says, before revealing himself and exiting a room, she didn't know which one. He smiles at her, and it's bright. There's a shine in his (e/c) eyes, which seem a bright splash of color compared to everything else.

"Dad," she finally breathes. (Y/n) looks from him, to behind her, baffled and emotional. "But-You-weren't you-"

A chime cuts her off, meaning somebody entered the bakery down below.

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