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I banged my fist on my alarm, trying to get it to shut up. I sighed and snuggled deeper into my blanket .


A voice sang right next to my ear. I swatted in that direction, trying to get rid of the annoying creature .

"Wake up, it's time for school."

I groaned and tried to find an off button . My hand found the button and started tapping it . The voice chucked. "That's my nose."

Hands were suddenly at my sides, tickling the life out of me. I screamed as my eyes shot open and I scrambled to get away.

"Stop!" I laughed. Adam stood up from my bed laughing along with me.

"I think you're awake now."

"You think?" Sarcasm dripped from my words.

"Okay, little miss sarcasm, hurry up or you'll be late. And you're not skipping breakfast again, no matter how late you get. " he said, walking out of my room.

I sighed and got up. I did my morning routine and got ready for school. I cautiously went downstairs because I know the others would be up by now, I didn't want to bump into any of them alone.

I crept into the kitchen and spotted Adam making breakfast . I hugged him and mumbled a still sleepy 'good morning'.

He replied and kissed my forehead.

"Go sit down. Ill bring your breakfast." He shooed me.

Jayson, Jayden and Brandon already had their breakfast in front of them and were occupying the three seats on one side of the the table so I went to the other side . I don't feel comfortable or safe for that matter, sitting next to one of them, so this seating arrangement worked out well for me .

"G-good morning." I said meekly. Jayson and Jayden just kept on stuffing their faces with their food and Brandon just rolled his eyes and continued to scroll through his phone, completely ignoring me.

Adam placed a plate down in front of me.

"Eat it all" he gave me a pointed look. There was a time, not so long from now, when I tried to eat very little as possible because I wanted to loose weight. Of course, nothing got past Adam, so after he found out, he made sure that I ate full healthy meals three times a day.

Brandon scoffed loudly . "If she gains anymore weight she won't be able to fit in that chair ."

"Brandon!" Adam gave him a sharp look, making him put his hands up in surrender .

"Come on, eat." Adam told me. "You're beautiful. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. "

At that moment , Brandon, Jayson and Jayden burst into laughter . Hearing Adam call me beautiful was so funny it had them clutching their stomachs in full blown, belly aching, laughter.

Tears burned my eyes; I got up and made a dash for my room.

I sat on my bed with a picture of my parents clutched to my chest. Silent tears slid down my cheeks.

There was a quiet knock on the door. Adam came in holding my plate of food and glass of water. He put them down on the night stand and sat next to me. The tender look that he gave me made fresh tears appear. His arms went around my body, holding me close to him.

My crying subsided eventually and I was reduced to tiny hiccups. He pulled away from me and wiped my tears away.

"You are such a beautiful and kind hearted person . There is nothing wrong with you. There is no such thing as perfection, every single person is beautiful, including you. Now let me see that smile , come on, don't make me tickle it out of you." His wiggling fingers came closer and closer until I started laughing , scooting away from him. "That's my girl." He kissed my head. "Now hurry up and eat your breakfast ."

"But, Adam, I'm already late. I'll get detention ." I whined.

"No buts. Did I mention that your teacher has a crush on me? Well she does, so you'll be fine. "

My nose crinkled in disgust.

"Isn't she like...forty-three?" He gave a nonchalant shrug.
"You're gross."

"And you're late. Hurry."


True to his word, Adam got me to class without a detention slip. I had to watch my twenty three year old brother flirt and complement my forty three year old teacher .

It was not a pretty sight, but if it got me out of detention then go for it, Adam.

I mentally prepared myself to start another day of torment.

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