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I woke up the next morning happier than I've been in a while. I went down to make breakfast, but surprisingly, Jayden was in the kitchen.  He helped me and we set the table.

When we sat down to eat. I noticed that no one was talking. Normally the boys would be busy chattering, they were always close.
Brandon kept giving me deathly looks.

"Would you stop, Brandon! " Jayden said suddenly.

"Just because you've had a change of heart doesn't mean I have to change toward her. She's still that annoying little idiot she always was. Infact,"  he looked at me.  " Why don't you just scram!."

I instantly got up from the table and was getting ready to run to my room, but Jayden spoke up.

"Lia. Don't go anywhere." He said firmly. "That's enough Brandon! Can't you see what you're doing to her? Would you be satisfied if she killed herself?"

" Actually." Brandon got up from his seat. 'if she killed herself . That would be one of the happiest days of my life!". Brandon stormed off , shoving me harshly when he passed by where I was standing. 

Jayson stood up and left without a word,or a glance at his twin.

Jayden helped me up. "Are you okay?"

"Does he really want me to kill.myself? I don't understand what I did to make him hate me so much." I said shakily. A few tears fell from my eyes.

" No, don't think about that. And don't get any ideas, okay?"

I nodded.

" Come on ..let me take you to school."

Since breakfast was a bust, Jayson bought food so we could eat on the way. He is a lot more like Adam than I thought. He made sure I ate everything he bought for me , no matter how much I complained. 

I walked through the halls with my head down, avoiding any contact with Jayson. Someone touched my shoulder, I let out a war cry and got into a fighting stance.

Drew hunched over and was  clutching his stomach in laughter.  The other students gave me weird looks. I blushed and looked down.

"Your face! Is that how you would've fought off an attacker ?" He chuckled.

I playfully shoved his shoulder. " Shut up Drew."   I said as I walked to my locker .  Drew fell into step with me.

" I have to babysit my little brother after school today. Can you come over ? I could use the company.

"I'll have to ask Jayden first . "

"Since when?" He asked, confused .

" Since he appointed himself as my new guardian until Adam gets back. . And  Apologized for always treating me like crap."

" Whoah . Did not expect that."

" Me neither ."

" So ask and let me know, okay?"

" Okay." I smile and watched him walk off.

The bell rang and everyone scattered to their classes . I rushed to get to my class too but I was pulled back by my hair forcefully. I fell back and landed on my side. I groaned when pain spread through my arm.

Standing above me was Jayson.

"Why were you talking to Drew?" He asked.

"I-I um."

"Stop stuttering you idiot!" He growled .

I cleared my throat . " He in- invited his house after school. " A small blush spread across my cheeks.

" You think he likes you, don't you? That's why you're blushing?"

"M-maybe.  Maybe he does." I said quietly.

The air was suddenly knocked out of me.  I gasped for breath as Jayson kept on kicking me in my stomach .

"My brother isn't talking to me, because of you!   You deserve this!" He slammed his boot onto my stomach one more time .  " Do you really think Drew would like someone like you? Look at you. Pig!" He spat and walked off

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