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There I was, sleeping peacefully, having a wonderful cotton candy filled dreams, and then it happened. My two idiot brothers decided to wake me up by screaming the happy birthday song in my ears .

"Couldn't you have waited until I came downstairs?"

"Where's the fun in that ? " Adam laughed . "you should have seen your face . "

He tried to imitate my face by widening his eyes and making a shocked expression . I do not look like that 😒.

I was grateful. It was sweet of them, but I'd just woken up, I was grouchy.

"Can you two get out now ? I want to go back to sleep."

" No can do. You have to get ready for your party ." Jayden piped in.

" My party starts until later this afternoon."

" What time do you think it is ?"Jayden asked.

I looked at my clock and gasped. It was already one pm. How did I sleep this late ?!

Jayden and Adam left so I could get ready . I decided  on my outfit and did my makeup . I never really wore make up in the past , only a few times, because it wouldn't have made a difference in my mind , I felt as if nao amount of make up could have covered up the ugliness. That was then though . Now, it's my seventeenth birthday, so I was determined to put all of those negative thoughts behind me and start fresh.

I texted Drew to remind him to bring Mr.Poop. It wasn't long after he replied saying,

'mr.poop is getting ready as we speak .' 

His response had an image attached to it . A picture of Mr. Poop in a tiny black tux , it was so adorable.

I decided to dress Snow White up as well. I couldn't find much at the last minute but I did find a black velvety dress that was on one of my dolls , it looked close to Snow white's size . It'll have to do .

It was almost time for me to go downstairs. I wondered who Adam invited. I don't have friends, except for Drew.  We barely have any family left , I don't think they'll come . I just hope Adam didn't over do it .


He over did it .

The house was packed with kids from school. The same kids who'd laugh at me when one of my brothers tripped me; the same kids who threw food at me in the cafeteria. 

I am not going down there !

Music blasted from downstairs, signalling that the party has begun , and the birthday girl was missing, I know it's Rude of me to sit out my own party , but it's all Adam's fault !

"Lia?" Adam knocked. "Can I come in?" Speak of the devil .

"Go away !" I screamed. Did he listen? No, he did not, he came waltzing right in.

"I know you're upset with me, but..."

He didn't get to finish because I threw a pillow at his face .

"Okay. I deserved that ." He sat down next to me.  "Can you at least heard me out ?"

I shook my head, I didn't want to hear anything from him.

He continued anyway.

"You're doing really well in therapy. You're dating . Things are good! You're not scared all the time . This is a good way to start a new year in your life . Go out there , talk to some people, make some friends. Show them the new you ! Find a girlfriend for all I care! "

" I'm with Drew." I scowled. 

He rolled his eyes .

" I just got carried away with my speech. But yeah, this is the perfect way to start over ."

He did have a point.

" You're right ." I said .

" So you'll go down there and give it a try?"

" No."  I shook my head .

" Yes." He grabbed my waist and hauled me up .

"No, Adam!"

"Yes, Lia!". 

He is stronger than me, I had no choice but to go 😔.

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