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Jayson was holding Brandon back and Adam was holding Jayden back. They looked like they were going to kill each other. When did Adam get back? Why didn't he wake me? What's going on?

"That's enough." Adam said firmly, stepping in between Jayden and Brandon. He looked exhausted. His eyes were red and droopy and there were dark circles under it.

"All of this...this commotion, for her?" Brandon spat.

" She's our sister, Brandon!"  Adam was trying to stay calm.

Brandon rolled his eyes in response . " Sure she is." He said . Sarcasm dripped from his words.

Adam scowled at him. "Don't . " He warned.   "Don't, Brandon. I know what you want to say. Don't say it." Adam.hissed.  he took a deep breath and then continued .        "You've had girlfriends before, both of you! You've never once raise your hands on them. Not once! You aren't abusers!"    Adam lectured. He was speaking to both Jayson and Brandon.   " So why would you abuse, physically abuse your defenceless little sister? Your family? Why Brandon? Why Jayson?"

Jayson actually had the decency to look a little guilty, but not Brandon.

" As I keep saying again and again. I hate her!  She ruined my life by being born.  She's not my family! She's just a weak, pathetic little Bitch..."

A sickening crack was heard, as Adam lunged forward and punched Brandon .

"Don't you ever call her that, Brandon! Do you hear me? Never!" Adam growled.

Brandon let go of his nose, blood tricked down from it but he didn't seem to care.  He looked at Adam through murderous eyes, clenching his fists. If anyone else had even dated to raise a hand against Brandon, he would've put them in the hospital, but in this case, he simply walked away.

Brandon doesn't respect much, but he respected Adam too much to ever disrespect him like that. Adam wasn't much older than Brandon but Adam has been our father, guardian and even friend when we needed one.

Jayson followed Brandon and Jayden followed his twin, probably to set things right between them.

"Adam." I mumured softly. His head snapped up to me.  His eyes were filled with anger, it almost scared me.  When realized it was me his eyes softened and he came to sit next to me on the stairs .

"How are you feeling? How's your stomach?"

" It still hurts but it's better than before. How did you find out? " I asked.

" Jayden. Lia, why would you keep this from me?" His voice filled with hurt and it hurt me to know that I was responsible.

"I'm sorry.  I just didn't want you to come running back home like I knew you would've done. You deserved a break from all this responsibilities. From me." I sighed sadly, resting my head on his shoulder while his arms wrapped me in a cocoon of warmth and safety.

"You're my number one priority. No matter what. Next time, promise me that you won't hesitate to tell me if something like this happens. Or if anything happens that you don't like. Any little thing. Please Lia, it's my job to protect you, not the other way around. ". He begged.

" Promise, Adam."  I replied.

"So, meet any pretty girls while you were away?" I teased.

" Well, there was one, but that story is too mature for your little baby ears." He grinned, wiggling his brows.

" Gross." I wrinkled my nose and Made a disgusted face. He laughed at my discomfort and  proceeded to explain to me in detail about the process of making a baby ( as if I didn't know already, but it's just weird and gross to have your big brother  say these things) . He held me down when I tried to run away, so I was forced to sit down and listen .

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