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I valued Drew's friend ship. That's why it was so hard to tell him about the harm that I've done to my body, but I knew I had to . So, I picked a nice little cafè and I just blurted it out , just ripped off the band-aid, as people say.  When I told him, he bought me a bunch of food , alot! I couldn't eat all of it, he went a little over board , fussing over me .

Brandon and Jayson hadn't done anything to me since Adam got back, I think it's because Jayden and Adam always had a watchful eye on me at home and when I was in school, Drew and Jayden tried their best to be by my side.

The three of them have been so supportive, whenever I had the strong urge to puke out my food , I go to them , any one of them and they somehow talk me out of it . Most of the time they distract me , watching movies or just keeping me company, helping my mind to stay clear of negative thoughts.

Jayson and Jayden were always close , like most twins , but because of me they haven't spoken a word to each other .  I felt really bad about it because they are brothers and I didn't want to be the cause of it .  I tried talking to Jayson about it , but he either insulted me or just plain out ignored my existence.  I then tried with Jayden , but he didn't want to hear a word about his twin .


Drew asked me out again , I guess we are officially dating , that is after he had to sit through an hour and ten minutes of threats and lectures from Jayden, you know , normal over protective big brother business.

"Look! Look! Look!"  I tried to draw Drew's attention to a small red tent.   We were at the fair , the sun had gone down about twenty minutes ago and Drew and I were having so much fun .

The small tent had stuffed animals as prizes, and two that caught my attention were a big white puppy with a bell attached to a red collar, and a twin brown puppy next to it with the same bell and the same colour collar .

Drew had an unhealthy obsession with dogs , so when he saw the twin pups his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree . A stubborn determination set in his eyes , he was going to win those puppies or die trying .

The way that it goes is , the guy takes the girl to the fair , wins her lots of prizes and then they go to the ferris wheel and by some miracle, they just so happen to stop at the top and then they share a kiss,. All clichè and cute. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case with Drew.  Thirty- four tries and alot of money later, Drew finally gave up.  His shoulders slumped and his sad eyes casted down to the ground . 

"Let's just go."  He sighed sadly.

"No, we aren't leaving. Don't worry, Drew. I'll win you those puppies! " I said determined.  His face lit with hope once again .  The game wasn't that hard for me , I had great aim , all I had to do was shoot.  Drew looked at me in awe and admiration when I won the puppies.  

At the end of our date, we walked home with large smiles on our faces and big soft puppies in our arms .  I got the pure white one and he got the brown .

"I can't believe you named him that !"  I laughed.

"What?" He asked ,  looking genuinely offended.  "Your name isn't good either ." He scowled at me, making me laugh harder .

We stood out side my front door when I lifted up the white puppy and said .   "Snow White suits her !"

"And Mr. Poop suits him! He even has the colour to match ! ". I must say , Drew argued his case well.

" Alright alright, we should let the pups have their good byes, snow White say good bye . " I told her.

Drew made mr. Poop kiss snow White on her cheek, he even made cute kissy noises .

"Good night, Drew."

"Good night, Lia. "

We said our goodbyes, but none of us moved. Drew hesitated a bit, but came closer to me.  He started to lean down . His face getting closer to mine .  This is it , I'm finally getting my first kiss.

It happened in blink of an eye.  The door swung open, my arm was grabbed and I was roughly yanked inside  by none other than Jayden himself. 

"Good night, Drew! " Jayden screamed and slammed the door in Drew's face .

I sighed in disappointment, I take that back , I'm never going to have my first kiss. 😔

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