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I've been making real progress in therapy and I feel so much better about myself.  I'm not one hundred percent there yet , but I'm getting there .

Drew and I have been hanging out more. Now, we were in my room. The only reason we were allowed in my room alone , is because Jayden was out and all Adam did was tell us to use protect. 

Drew was helping me go through some of my parents old stuff.  I was putting it off because it was too painful, but Adam suggested that  we've kept them long enough, it's time to give some to charity. So, I have to see if I wanted to keep anything.

"What are you doing for your birthday?"  Drew asked me. Both of us were sprawled  on the floor with alot of old junk around us.

"Adam's throwing a party for me."   I answered.

" Am I invited? " 

" Only if you bring Mr. Poop.  Snow White is lonely ."

" Deal. " He said, sticking out his hand for me to shake to have it finalized.

At the bottom of one of the boxes was a picture of my parents on their wedding day. Mom was in a beautiful white dress. It looked like it was made for a princess , the way it flowed out at the waist . They both looked up at the camera and had huge smiles on their faces.

Drew came next to me to see what I was staring at.

"There are pictures all over this house with your parents. But I've never seen one of their wedding day. They married really young . "

" Yeah. " I agreed. " I think Adam told me that she'd just found out that she was pregnant with him. So they decided to get married early.  I'm going to keep this. ". I said getting up.

I knelt down at the side of my bed and slid a loose floor board out.   It's where I keep everything that's precious to me.  I put the frame in, it fit neatly. 

"This is my secret hiding spot .   Only Adam knows about it. So don't tell anyone, okay?"

"I won't . I promise. "

I looked down and spotted my mother's crystal wedding necklace. I keep something of both of my parents. For my father , I have his favorite watch.  If my brothers only found out about my hiding spot , if they knew  how much these things meant to me, they'd probably destroy my things just to hurt me, I don't think I can handle it if something from here was destroyed.


"Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?"  Drew asked. We were one our way home

" Why would I be ? I'm just getting older, one year closer to death ! " I exclaimed.

" Drama queen. " He laughed .

My left eye suddenly started watering . I blinked a few times to get rid of it , but it was burning.

"Drew, there's something in my eye. I can't get it out ."

" Hold still. " He cupped my face and blew gently .   " Is it better? "

I nodded. Words escaped me when I realized how close he was to me, our noses were touching .

Multiple loud horns came from behind us, causing us to jump apart , startled . The all too familiar car pulled up next to us.

"Get in the car ." Jayden said .

"Why?"  I asked .

"Because I'm dropping you 
home . "

"Our house is right there !" I yelled in disbelief, pointing to our house that was two houses away from us .

"Just get in the car , Lia." 

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and told Drew I'll call him.later before climbing into the car.

"You're going to have to let me have my first kiss sometime. " I  reasoned with Jayden.

" No!" He growled , scowling at me. "You're too young ."

"Well, when do you want me to have my first kiss? Huh! At fifty six?!"

" Fifty six sounds perfect.". He muttered . " And wipe that scowl off of your face, you look like an angry bunny ."   He sneered .

" I give up!" I screamed in frustration.

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