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I was in my room looking at outfits.  The date is in an hour and I still haven't decided on what to wear yet.

My bedroom door burst open all of a sudden. An angry Jayden came tramping into my room followed by an irritated Adam.

Jayden glared at me, arms folded to his chest .  What did I do?

"So, you're going on a date with Drew?"  He spat out Drew's name like acid .

" Um. ". I didn't know what to say.

"Oh leave her alone ." Adam rolled his eyes.  At least he'll defend me.  " Look how long it took for her to get asked out . I thought she would've gone on her first date in her forties . "
Gee, thanks brother .

" Going on a date in her forties doesn't sound like a bad idea. " Jayden mumbled .

He suddenly reached out and grabbed me, lifting me up and cradling me in his arms like you would a baby.

"Look at her! She's practically a baby; she can't even walk yet!" Jayden cried in horror.

" Put me down ! " When I was placed back on the ground I turned to scowl at Jayden . " I'm not a baby! I'm old enough to go on dates. You went on a lot of dates when you were my age.  You had your first girlfriend when you were eleven. Eleven! "

Jayden had a dreamy far away look on his face .  " She was a beauty. " He sighed softly.  I thought he had a girlfriend.  He snapped out of his daze.   "That's different ."

"How exactly?" I raised my brows .

" I'm a guy. " Was his brilliant response. Sexist idiot.

I gave him a flat look and he caved in. 

"Fine . But I'm going to have a long chat with Drew when he gets here . " He huffed and left my room in defeat . Adam followed closely behind .

I decided on a normal pair of jeans and top. It was only the movies. I didn't need to dress over the top. 

I took a risk and looked at the mirror .  All I saw was a girl staring back. She wasn't pretty. She wasn't ugly. She was... Okay.  I'm getting better . I smiled at my reflection and chanted positive thoughts in my mind over and over.  I learnt it in therapy. Positive words equals a positive mind .

I got a message from Drew telling me to meet him at the park and from there he'll pick me up.  I wonder why he wants to meet at the park . I thought he was going to pick me up. 

I left the house a short while after; ignoring Jayden's angry mumbling about not getting to threaten Drew because he failed to pick me up. I rolled my eyes and hurried to the park.

The park was almost deserted  since the sun went down a couple of hours ago. I sat on the bench and waited .

Three hours later and I was still waiting . I looked at my phone. No reply  to the messages I sent over an hour ago.  Tears brimmed my eyes when I realized he wasn't going to show .

No matter how hard I tried to block out the negative thoughts , they filled my head and shouted insults at me with no mercy.

Drew played you.

He just wanted to embarrass you .

He's probably at home having a laugh about what an idiot you are.

Why would he even be interested in you of all people? He could do so much better .

I sniffled and got up from the bench.  The rumbling of a truck caught my attention.  Hope bloomed in me; I tried to think of any reasonable excuse he may have had to be this late.

The feeling of hope was short lived . I saw Brandon and Jayson at the back of a truck holding a small.tub .  Fear rose in me when they both took hold of each side .

Ice cold water splattered against my skin.

Vile laughter could be heard from the truck as it drove slowly pass me.

"Told you Drew didn't like you. In fact, he sends his regards. " Jayson laughed .

The truck drove away with them spitting names at me.





I cried all the way home drawing curious looks from other people who were around . Drew was never interested in me. He thought I was a hideous pig. And this whole thing was a set up from the start . The thought of that just made more tears fall.

I pushed open the front door of my house . Adam and Jayden sat in the living room paying cards. Adam was the first person to spot me.  He dropped the cards and was on his feet in an instant .

I didn't give them.any chance to say anything.  I just sprinted to my bedroom  and slammed the door shut, not bothering to lock it. Without thinking, I headed straight for the toilet .

I know I promised Jayden  that I wouldn't do this anymore.but I had to. I need to be skin and bones .  That's the only way I'll be accepted. 

After I finished emptying my stomach , I laid there, on the floor , too weak to move . I think all the stress and exhaustion finally caught up to me because the next thing I knew , everything went dark.

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