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I started smiling, it's  perfect, no more useless depressed and unmanly Kirishima, I now look confident outgoing brave and manly. I think I can do this, I will do this. I lock my door and I am determined too stay in my room until UA starts not even going too school till than.

"2 days in this room till than, 2 days"

~<Kirishima's POV>~

It's now the last day that I've been in my room, so tomorrow, I'm going too UA. I had ignored the constant banging on my door from my dad for 2 days now, and I saw the mail man come with a package, I got out of my window and went down too him, this is what I have been doing too check if my uniform came, and it finally did. I take it and thank the guy.

I look at it and smile "finally" I hear me dad walking too the door so I run and climb the tree by my window and crawl back into my room. He than opened the door and looked around, glaring every direction. He walked back into the house and I heard him go too his room.

My stomach growled but I ignored it going too sleep super early because I couldn't wait too get too UA. During the two days I waited my injuries healed and I only have a few bruises here and there on my body but not my face anymore. I start too drift off into a deep sleep.


Beep beep


"UghhHhHhH" I sit up hitting my phone, I look at the time and it's like 4:00 am, I than remember I set my alarm early so I could leave before my dad could wake up! I just up and put on my uniform, do my hair, brush my teeth and put on my best smile.

I slowly open my door, than walk downstairs and hear a snoring on the couch, I open the door when the snoring stops I start running with my backpack not fully on my back. I start panting and when I looked up, there it was, UA high. The UA High that I some how got into! I smile and start too walk in I put up my ID and walk too see a smaller building, I had noticed that the school was closed right now, probably because it's like 4:30 am so I walk into the other building.

My eyes widen as I see all the equipment, there is a weight area, there is a quirk training room, punching bags, a ring for sparing, and a bunch of high tech things too work on your quirk. I see I'm the only one there so I go into the boys locker room, I look at my paper and I find my locker, inside is a gym uniform so I start too change but notice it's a short sleeve shirt, so I grab my black long sleeve shirt out of my backpack and put it on under my gym uniform.

I start too hit the punching bag, I remember all the training I had done, every morning I would do 10 push ups 20 squats, I use my 30 pound weights and than jumping jacks, but here I can do so much more, so I keep going at it with the punching bag, than switch too the weights I go up like 5 pounds and I'm using 35 weights, I switched between the bag and weights until I heard the door click open. I get startled and jump deactivating my quirk.

I look over too see an ash blond guy walk in with his hands dug in his pockets, when he saw me he got shocked, "WAIT I thought I was the only one here this early! It's like 6:00 am!" He yells annoyed, I than remember who he is, he's the guy who helped me with Tarakai. I smile at him with my toothy grin I have worked on and walk over too him, "Hi! I'm Kirishima Eijiro! I have actually been here since hmm, like 4:30 am! I got here kinda early" I laugh scratching the back of my neck" his eyes widen for a split second before going back too a glare.

"You're already too much shitty hair, I'm gonna go train and pretend you're not here, bye extra" she says waving me away and walking too the locker room. I sigh "wow what an impression, does he not remember me?" I shrug it off and I go back over too where I was training, after a little I hear him walk in and I give him a smile and wave, he rolled his eyes and did a "tch" sound. I shrug it off because I'm used too things like this happening, though for some reason, it kinda hurt when he did that, I don't know why but it did.

As I working out I feel eyes on me, I tried too ignore it but it lasted for almost 30 minutes, so I turned too see the blond staining at me, I wave and give him an awkward smile, than he snaps out of it, and for a split second his face went pink, he than turned away from me and made explosions from his hands. It was so cool and it looked really flashy 'I wish I had a cool quirk like that' I shake my head and look at my phone, it's 6:45 and school starts soon.

I get up and open the door a little too the quirk training room, and cough form the smoke than say, "hey Blasty! School starts soon!" He turns with a glare and panting, "what did you call me shitty hair!" I chuckle, "Blasty cus you never told me your name!" I said walking too the locker room and started too change.

I change into my uniform, and Blasty walks in and changes too as I'm about too walk out I hear "Bakugo" I turn confused, he rolls his eyes and makes a 'tch' sound than says, "that's my name Shitty hair, Bakugo Katsuki" I smile at him and decide too wait for him to finish changing so I can walk with him.

He finishes and walks out without me, I run out catching up with him, I make small talk and talk about like anything, while he rolled his eyes and made grumbles too acknowledge me, than all of the sudden someone tackled me and I fell face first into the pavement.

I groan and turn feeling the weight on me get lifted up I open my eyes and see Bakugo holding up Mina by her caller, "owwww" I groan. Mina looks over at me, "I'm so so sooooo sorry Kiri! I just haven't seen you in two days! And like I missed you so much why were you gone? And I almost did rec-" I cut her off "oh heh I had gotten hurt training and my dad made me stay home! Nothing serious!" Mina's eyes widen and Bakugo drops her and she falls on her butt, "Kiri! Your nose! I'm sooooo sorryyyy" she says. I put my hand up too my nose and take it away feeling blood "ugggghhh why is it always the nose like gosh for once can it be somewhere else!" I than get pulled up off the ground, and next thing I'm getting dragged too the clinic. I look and see Bakugo dragging me and Mina walking with him. He burst threw the door and yells "help him!" Pushing me in.

This little lady come over and pulled me down too her level and examined my nose than kissed it and it didn't hurt anymore, she cleaned the excess blood and showed me off. "That was weird" I said as I walked out of the clinic and than walked too class with Mina and Bakugo, Bakugo and Mina argued because of what she did and than it just turned into joking around. When we made it too the class Mina introduced me and Bakugo to these two people named Hanta Sero, who we call Sero and Kaminari Denki, we just call him Denki. Well other than Bakugo he made names for everyone.

'This might actually be a pretty fun year' I thought too myself smiling.

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