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He tackled me activating his quirk on my chest melting threw my clothes, I winced, "DAD GET OFF!!" I yelled and I looked up to see.... me??? Bakugo was being surrounded when some dude touched his head saying, "you will forget everything in 5 minutes,

I was being dragged into a portal tears streaming down my face, "Please.... someone help me...." everything went black.

~<Bakugo's POV>~

Everything happened so fast... I noticed Kirishima seemed on edge during the day, and he kept looking around like someone was watching him, but I thought he was being paranoid. Now he's being dragged away into a portal thing by villains asking me to help him, what do I do, how do I help him?!? I can't let him go!! I can't let him go!! I love hi-!!




...what just happened? I can't remember anything, wait Ima surrounded by villains? Is that Kirishima over there? "SHITTY HAIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OVER HERE AND HELP!" I yelled looking at the red head who seemed to be acting strangely, "I CANT I GOT GIT BY A QUIRK AND NOW I CANT ACTIVATE MY QUIRK!!" He yelled back while getting backed into a corner, "THAN PUNCH THEM I'VE SEEN YOU BOX WITHOUT YOYR QUIRK!!" I yelled back taking care of the villains around me.

•okay so just in case ppl are confused, the 'Kirishima' with Bakugo rn isn't him, it's Toga, I hope most of you picked up on that•

I had looked away from Kirishima for a little but when I looked back I saw him fighting them... but something was different, his fighting style, I have watched him fight many times, he always tries to make it so he doesn't hurt people as much and is always considerate,and when I asked he said, 'you never know the situation people are in, maybe they don't want to fight' he said with a smile, but right now he's fighting like he wants to hurt them. What is going on?

~<Kirishima's POV>~

I opened my eyes to a dimly lit room, I tried to move and get up but I couldn't, I was strapped down to a table, than I activated me quirk but when I did I got electrocuted,

"I would advise you don't activate your quirk, because every time you try the shine gets worse, until it eventually kills you"

"W-who said that...!" I yell my voice cracking I looked up, seeing the man that I saw this morning, but for some reason he reminded me of someone I know.

"Hi, your Eijiro Kirishima right? You can call me Dabi, we paid lots for you so you better give us what we want" he continued, "but most of all you better give me what I want" he said grabbing my neck.

"Wh-What do you want??" I said looking up at him. He sighed and let go, "do you know Shoto Todoroki?" He said. I gave him a glare, "I'm not gonna tell you anything if your gonna hurt my friends!" I yelled.

He smiled and let go, "heh good to know Shoto has good friends, but tell me is that bastard Endeavor still being a bitch to him!" He said getting frustrated, "woah woah woah! I already said I'm not talking, but why are you asking about Todoroki?" I asked curiously. He grunted, "no reason, just.... tell them what they want to know, I don't want Shoto's friend dying" he said walking out of the room.

I sat there for what felt like hours, feeling the blood drip from my chest, I realized I could die here, I used to wish to be died, but now I want to live, I want to live for my class, Bakugo, Todoroki, Ryuji, and Eri! I-I want to live... for them, for ...myself. No, people are looking for me,they have to have known I'm gone, Bakugo saw me, they are going to save me!

I heard a click and looked up to see the worst pers- no thing ever, my father... "hi Ei, seems you were useful for something, you were worth 1,097,915 yen!(10,000 US dollars) I'm getting paid to sell you to your death! Hah! Don't tell them what they want, you'll die quicker" he said grinning turning and walking to leave. I spit at him, and he turned and glared at me.

He grabbed my neck and activated his quirk and I could feel my skin burning, I started to cough and squirm as I could feel the blood drip and my neck burn. I started to cry, and he let go of me and turned, "I'll be back tomorrow to hurt ya more" he said than left.

The only sound that could be heard in the room was the dripping of my blood off the table and my quiet sobs, I activated my quirk out of instinct, because when I feel vulnerable I have gained this habit of activating it. I felt the shock again and I yelped,

"Is anyone going to help me...?" I say.

Than there is a click, and light is emitted from the top corner, a TV? I look and it shows the USJ, and it starts to talk, "the League of Villains have attacked UA High schools while in a training facility by the name of USJ, luckily most students aren't severely injured and every student is accounted for" my eyes widened, I looked at the TV and saw me... that's not me... that's NOT me! That means... no one is looking for me, I'm going to die here... and no one is going to save me.... I-I'm going to die and no one will know, they are going to forget about me, and I'll never see them again...

I'm going to die here, but I don't want to die... I want to live, for my friends, but how... how can I do it when no one remembers, when no one knows?

Wow... for the first time, I really am all alone....

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