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• Brooooooooo it's cannon and you can't tell me otherwise just look at this pictureeee!!! •


"Oh no reason, just tired I guess!" And just like that I started to ramble on and on again, smiling with Bakugo occasionally grunted, huffed, or did his famous 'tch' as we headed too class.

When we made it Bakugo sat in Kaminari's seat which was right infront of mine and I started too talk slower and slowly drifted too sleep my head on my desk, not noticing the pet I got from the ill-tempered boy infront of me.

~<Kirishima's POV>~

I woke up do being flicked in the head and feeling a small zap come from it, I looked up where Bakugo was sitting and I see Kaminari there and when I looked around everyone was packing up, "dude you slept threw the whole class, we're heading too lunch right now, I'm surprised Aizawa Sensei didn't wake you up, he usually does" I shoot up from my seat and immediately regret it, I felt my head get a little dizzy and my chest ache, "hey bro are you okay? I thought the hospital said you would be okay and are pretty much all healed" Kami said tilting his head a little to the side.

"Oh! I just have a headache I'm fine but.." I punch his arm, "why didn't you wake me up for class, now I have to take someone's notes cause I know you don't have them!" I yelled, "hey hey hey, what if I do have notes! Don't just jump to conclusions like that dude!" Kami said trying to defend himself, "ohhhhh so did you write notes?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. ".....no.... BUT STILL, don't be mad at me that I didn't wake you up, Bakubro was already mad at me from the hangout at Mina's and when he gave me a glare saying not too wake you up I couldn't, I just don't wanna get exploded today okay!" I sit there and tilt my head, "huh..? Bakugo said not to wake me up, why???" I said confused, "you are so stupid he clearly li-" all the sudden Kaminari's mouth was covered by Mina's hand, "he's just mad a Kami nothing else!" She said pinching Kami after and whispering something to him.

"Let's just go to lunch okay?" I said and started to walk but waited for them at the door and Mina hit my head and I winced as she said "you forgot your backpack dummy!" And she handed it to me. We started walking when I actually bumped into two girls that were walking, and we all fell over(this is for you Neah U3U) I groan and I hear another groan almost identical to mine coming from one of the girls while the other was cursing, the one that groaned like me was first to get up and she helped me up than her friend, she bowed and started to apologize a bunch, while the other girl who was small and had black hair punched her arm, "OI Mother!! What the hell! You help a random person and not your best fwend!!" The one that for some reason was called 'mother' looked up at me and gave me a small smile which showed teeth that were like mine but she tried to hide her teeth with her hand as she smiled, than she looked at me saying "I'm so sorry about Azul she can be kinda rude, but I'm Ehfo! From class 1-C! And this dork here is Azul!" I look at them, Ehfo has short hair that was kinda like Uraraka's hair but a golden blond, no more of a dirty blond color, she has red eyes and sharp teeth like me but her eyes were blood red while mine were like the neon red, and her eyes seemed to hold many emotion in them, but they were soft and round, she had a freckled face and very pale skin, she was almost as tall as me and she had a bunch of bracelets, she also seemed to be very lazy with her uniform, because she only had the white collar shirt on not even buttoned all the way, her over shirt tilted around her waist and her tie done very badly. I look at the shorted one, Azul, she had long black hair with some blond parts, probably bleached, and she had pretty much white eyes, she had sharp eyes that were kinda intimidating for such a small girl, she had a scowl on and was glaring looking me up and down, she had somewhat darker skin, and was crossing her arms, she also looked lazy with her uniform, she had only the white collared shirt on, and hadn't bothered buttoning it all up, she didn't have a tie or an over shirt and seemed to be wearing pants instead of the school skirt, I see that Ehfo is wearing the skirt but has leggings under them with a weird pattern that seemed to be something from Disney.

"Oh it's okay! I'm sorry I bumped into you but it was nice too meet you though! My name is Kirishima and these are my friends Kaminari and Ashido!" I said smiling and Mina budded in, "just call me Mina! But is soooo nice to meet you!" She said grabbing Ehfo's hand shaking "Wait dont-" I hear Ehfo say it but in that moment there was a poof and I coughed, when I looked up Ehfo was cone and there was a cat scooting away, "scare her..." Azul said groaning, the cat had a dirty blond colored fur and red eyes, than I realized, "wait is that cat Ehfo?!?" I said, "yeah she changes into animals based on her emotions, like when she's scared she turns into a cat or a mouse, when she's mad she turns into a lion or a wolf, happy she turns into a dog or a fox, but like her default is a fox for when she chooses to change, cause he fur will actually be red, but yeah let her calm down, she gets scared from stupid shit like that cus she always think people are gonna hurt her of whatever" Azul rambled as she picked up Ehfo, who was a shaking cat right now. "Oh that's pretty cool what's your qui-" I was cut off by Mina, "OH MY GODDDDDD CAN I HOLD HERRRRR" she yelled reaching out too Ehfo, "yeah whatever, but if she starts to shake more put her down" Azul said, "hey can we eat lunch with you, out class kinda doesn't like use, and our friends aren't really here today cause they all went on this field trip, so can we eat with ya?" Azul asked 'she seemed nice but her words were very aggressive' "oh sure!"

We all walk to lunch with Mina petting Ehfo and Azul walking close by with her hands in her pocket growling kinda, we make it to lunch and sit down, we see Sero and Bakugo sitting down at the table and Mina sits down cause she wants to show Sero Ehfo, "look Sero!! It's a kitty! Well her name is Ehfo and it's her quirk that does this but stilllll!!!"

We all talked and eventually Ehfo turned back and Mina kept trying to scare her to turn her into a cat again, but Ehfo was prepared now. Mina got sad and Ehfo giggled and turned into a fox, making a little yip and Mina's eyes shot open as she hugged the fox.

'Huh I guess we made friends from class 1-C huh' I thought smiling.

•also Ehfo and Azul if you couldn't tell are me and my best fwend, she dared me to add us in the story so I did, and we I'll show up from now and again, but yeah go see 'Azul' from Sad-ones

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