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I look at it and myself, it feels comfortable and the cuts aren't as visible, I give out a sigh of relief and walk out practically jumping out and punch my fists together. Bakugo looks me up and down, Mina laughs and Kaminari high fives me. Sero Jiro and Momo secretly come up with more outfits for me.

"Now, we need too vote for one outfit for him to wear all day!" Mina yells.

~<Kirishima's POV>~

They all start to whisper among themselves and I hear Bakugo grunt, "ughhh why that outfit???" He groaned, 'guess the outfit he chose doesn't have the most votes' I sit there waiting and than they all come over. "Okay we have made a decision!" Mina says happily. I tilt my head and they than out an outfit on my lap I look down and see a sweater socks and the thigh thing. "We voted on Sero, mainly cus I can get more cute pictures!" Mina yells I laugh a little and roll my eyes smiling widely.

'I like this one it's comfortable, it also doesn't show any scars, so I'll be okay with this one' I think as I walk into the closet and Chang into it, when I walk out I flap the sleeves around, and smile with my toothy grin at everyone, and there were a scatter of 'awe's' around the room. I throw my hands up and the sleeves flab more and I yell, "okay what are we gonna do now! Like any games?" I look at everyone tilting my head. "Oh! Oh! Let's play Truth or Dare!! I love that one!!" Mina yells and next thing ya know we are all in a circle, I'm sitting in between Bakugo and Mina, Mina one my left Bakugo on my right.

I look around and say, "okay bro's and broettes! Who's gonna go first!" Kami and Mina both raise their hands and than glare at each other, "okay guys you know the drill, Rock Paper Scissors time!" I say. They look at each other with murder in their eyes, and say "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT!!"and I look and see Kami won't with rock, and Mina lost with scissors. I high five him and say "Rock is the best bro!!" He looks around "hmmmm Sero! Truth or dare!" Kami said looking at Sero. "Dare of course!" Sero grins. "I dare you tooooooooo tape Bakugo to the floor" Kami said smirking. 'Uh oh...'

Sero and Bakugo exchange looks, Bakugo glaring so much that if looks could kill all of us in this room would be died and burning to a crisp. Than he yell, "OH HELL NO IM NOW DOING THAT!!" And Sero yells "SORRRYYYYY" and gets up running around him shooting tape at him and tying him up, than pulling him too the floor and taping in down by his legs arms hands and chest. Than cause Bakugo kept yelling he put tape on his mouth. Mina Kami and Jiro dying of laughter, while Momo walk disappointed, me on the other hand stood up and stood over him, his eyes widened and I smirked then took out my phone and took a picture. He started to flip out, and he couldn't use his explosiveness cause we taped his hands shut.

"He can come out when he calms down! Now Sero your turn!" Kami said laughing still while Bakugo was sending glared at everyone and squirming, "okay hmmm Mina truth or dare...?" We continued playing and did the most stupid things, like Mina was dared to wear something other than pink, which Momo had to make new clothes cus she didn't have any other non-pink clothes, than Kaminari was scared so much by Jiro he short circuited and put half the block out of power. Next thing you know, Mina whispered a dare to Kami and they grinned. Bakugo has been untied for a few rides, he got untied cus Kami's electricity burned the tape and he was calmer but still pissed, but than Kami grabbed my wrist and pulled me up I winced a little bit it wasn't noticeable, he brought me out of the room and I turn and see Bakugo had gotten up and was giving Kami a glare.

"Uhhhhh dude what are you doing??" I said tilting my head, he looked at me and grinned and than said, "okay we have to try to make a cake but using out quirks and she said I could choose one person too help and I thought yours would help with mixing!" He said turning and grinning, "oh okay!" I say.

I smile happily at him, little did I know what was going down back in Mina's room.

•okay I'm gonna cut this one shorter cus I wanna go into Bakugo's POV and I try my best too keep it so each chapter in only one POV, though I have changed it one or twice I try not too so I'm cutting this chapter just a little shorter, but I hope you like it, and never chapter is gonna be Bakugo's POV, so hope you like it(and know that I'm not the best at his POV so don't get mad if it's not that good)•

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