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"something about, 'did you tell them' and I missed a little but I heard 'injuries' so I'm guessin' he was asking about how he got the injuries, but at the same time it seems like he asked if he told anyone else how he got the injuries, as if he knew, but than Rock Collection said no he didn't tell anyone.."

My parents and I exchanged looks, "we gotta keep an eye on him..."

~<Kirishima's POV>~

On the way home it silent. Just silence, not an awkward silence, more threatening, and fearful silence. I was in the backseat and I was shaking, I couldn't help it, 'coward, how can you talk about manliness when you yourself are such a coward!' I squeeze my eyes shut. The car randomly stops, I open my eyes and look around "...u-uh dad where are we...?" I managed to ask. "A bar I usually go too! Now come on Disappointment, we are gonna go in!" He yells, getting out of the car.

I sit there as he starts too walk to the bar, "I don't wanna go.." I than get out of the car and take out my phone, I open it and go too my contacts, I than notice something, 'recently added; Bakugo Katsuki' I stare at the phone with wide eyes, "h-he added his number in my phone...?" I blink a little and see he added a picture of himself, I feel my cheeks heat up and look at my pictures and see the picture of him. My face feels super hot and I can feel it spread too my ears.

'Contacts changed too; Bakugo Katsuki💥🧡'
'New photo added to favorites'

I smile too myself as I walk, I shake my head, "Stay on task Eijiro! Stop thinking of how cute he is, and when he's mad his cheeks slightly get pink, and... AHhhHh StAhp!!" I take a deep breath ignoring the glances I'm getting from people

Rock Collection:
Hey Mina! You up? If so can I come over???

Alien Queen:
Yeah bro, I'm up! Also sure you can come over, oh! And why weren't you at school yesterday???

Rock Collection:
Wellllllll I kinda maybe somewhat was at the hospital but we all good now!

Alien Queen:

Rock Collection:
I'm sorrryyyyy I couldn't really tell you in the MOMENT I was kinda ya know gettin surgery!!

Alien Queen:
UGggGgHhHHhH why do I have to love you (ps no Hetero doe) but yeah you can come over bro, I'll invite Sero and Kami!

Rock Collection:
Thanks see you soon!!

Okay! I get too go over Mina's place... him maybe I should invite Bakugo! NO NO NO, what if he gets mad at me, or what if he blocks me or-! I slap myself and I don't mean mentally. I took a breath, "I got dis! Just ask him!" I said to myself.

Shark Face Cutie:
HEY! Blasty wanna come over too Mina's place with me! We are just gonna hang out, and it wouldn't be fun without youuuuuu

King Explosion Murder:
OI didn't I tell you to stop calling me that Shitty Hair!!

Shark Face Cutie:
Didn't I tell you to stop calling me Shitty Hair, but here we are

King Explosion Murder:
Ugh you're so annoying, but why would I come too your stupid little hang out??

Shark Face Cutie:
Cus, you're our friend! And like I want you there it would be funnnnnnn pleaaaaassssseeee!!

King Explosion Murder:
UGH I really hate you sometimes, just meet me at the park and we can walk there together OKAY?

Shark Face Cutie:
YAY, I'll be there! Don't be late!

OH MY GOSH!! He said yessssss!! I start too speed walk, well uh more like lightly jog... okay I start to sprint too the park, I was just so happy, until I felt pain from my chest and I sit on a swing, no one was there so I pull up my shirt too see a huge scare, "huh didn't notice that earlier..." I said poking my chest.

I pull my shirt down and sigh, I start to swing on the swings, Duh! And all of the sudden I feel a pair of hands on my back pushing me. I just and fall of the swing, I look up, I was expecting too see Bakugo but when I looked up I see a different familiar face 'Tarakai' oh no..

He stands over me, "oh hey Eijiro! I haven't seen you for a while! It's been a day or two!" She says with a fake smile, than she sticks out her hand for me too take I tried to ignore it but she wouldn't let me get up unless I grabbed it, but when I took it and started too get up she let go and I fell and hit my head "oops!" I rubbed the back of my head and looked up at her with a glare.

I tried too get up again and she pushed me down again. "Oh my gosh can you just leave me alone for once in my life!!" I say and in that moment she glared at me with a look that reminded me of my dad, that made me shiver and think of him, all the memories of him flooding back, and as she walked closer too me tasing her hand, she had her hand up ready too hit me. I scooped back from her whisper yelling "p-please don't hurt me...!!!!"

I opened my eyes and there were two blondes, one with long hair and one with poofy more ash blond colored hair, and for like the 3rd time Bakugo has helped me with her. I smile up at him as Tarakai was walking away. He puts his hand out for me and I take it.

"Thanks, you always manage too help me when I'm in trouble huh...?" I say smiling at him, and he just looks away slightly pink.

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