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Bakugo and Mina argued because of what she did and than it just turned into joking around. When we made it too the class Mina introduced me and Bakugo to these two people named Hanta Sero, who we call Sero and Kaminari Denki, we just call him Denki. Well other than Bakugo he made names for everyone.

'This might actually be a pretty fun year' I thought too myself smiling.

~<Kirishima's POV>~

We all are laughing and having fun, when I look at the clock and see that homeroom should've started "hey guys I think the teachers late" I say and than the door opens, revealing a man in a yellow sleeping bag. He looks at us with the most annoyed face and gets out of his yellow cocoon saying "I'm Aizawa Sensei, I would ask all your names but frankly I don't care, I'll know them at some point now sit down and get ready for class." He said

We sat there for a little while Aizawa Sensei talked, than they went outside and he took out this ball with a tracking thing one it, he than said whoever got the lowest score gets... Expelled?!? 'Can he did that!?!' I thought too myself, I tried so hard too get here and I'm going too get kicked out the first day?! Dad was right I am useless. I sigh looking down, as everyone else throws it.

We did a bunch of other things like a race, and all. He walks over calling out what place we all got and I had gotten 2nd too last, the person in last place was named 'Izuku Midoriya' I think. Than "yeah I was lying about the expelling thing" the teacher said, and my eyes widened, so if I hadn't gotten last it would have been okay, oh gosh what a relief. I let out a sigh and we go back too class, I go into another class because I have English next while some of my friends like Sero and Mina have History at this time.

I walk in with Kami and Bakugo(okay now idk if it's Bakugo or Bakugou please tell me ;-;) I sit down and this time Kami sits infront of me while Bakugo sits next to me, I look over and I see a few students I don't know come in, than I see her, Tarakai. My eyes widen and we lock eyes, she squints and than realizes who I was and sits behind me. Kami was talking too Bakugo, while Bakugo was glancing at me seeing I was uneasy. "Oi! Shitty hair! Why are you so tense!" He said more like demanding too know rather than asking, but before I could answer I heard laughter behind me, "oh my gosh!! Shitty hair that's priceless!" She yells from behind me. Bakugo gives her a glare and says, "well was I talking too you blonde bitch?" He barks giving a more intense glare, 'I think he remembers her' I thought too myself. "Hey hey don't fight guys, sorry about my friend I'm Kaminari Denki! Nice too me you!" Kami says putting his hand out for Tarakai too shake, and she does, "Tarakai Hikari! But call me Tara! Nice too meet you!" She says with a smile. "Oh and these are my friends Bakugo and Kirishima!"

She looks at me and says "oh no no! I know Kiri here! We went too the same middle school and have known each other sense, hmmm we were around 3! But nice too meet you Bakugo!" She says while getting up and putting an arm around my shoulder. I tried too make it seem I was comfortable but I wasn't and Bakugo for some reason could tell. "Oi! Gemini! Get your hands off him he's clearly uncomfortable!" He says '...Gemini?' I think too myself she tilts her head not taking her hand off "Gemini??" She says Bakugo just glares and says, "cus your a two faced bitch now take your arm off shitty hair!" (Okay no dissing to Gemini's I was going by her actual zodiac she is and she's on the more two face side of being a Gemini sorry no offense too my Gemini's out there love y'all!)

She takes her hand off of me rolling her eyes at the nick name, than class started. I sighed and payed attention, the day had gone on fine and we all had lunch together except Bakugo till I dragged him too the table with us all. It was a nice day. Than just like that the end of the day came, and me not wanting to go back home ended up going too the training area till I had too go home, so I changed and started too work out when I hear something. I ignore it but I hear it again I stop my music I had been playing to listen. "KIRISHIMA!!" I hear, 'huh who's looking for me..? It's already like 10 minutes after classes ended.

I poke my head out of the training room and see Mina, Kami, and Sero. They see me and run over "dude! Why did ya just leave like that we were gonna walk home together and why are you in the training building?" Sero says, "well I was gonna stay here till it closes cus I was just gonna train!" I say. Then we talk a while and they ended up leaving, I turned to go back too working out when I see Bakugo in the quirk training room, I smile too myself and go back too where I was working out, than I hear talking again I roll my eyes, I walk out saying "look guys I thought you le-" I look out and see Tarakai pinning this girl, she has super dark brown, almost black hair in a messy bun, and 4 yellow flowers on her left eye, one on her jaw and a few more scattered other places on her.

My eyes widen and I run over and yell "Tarakai what are you doing get off of her!" I push her off of the girl who clearly looked scared of Tarakai, Tarakai falls and I tell the girl too run and she does after she thanks me. I turn back too Tarakai and she glares at me "ugh can you get anymore annoying that Shizen girl in my class is just a weirdo and needed too be put in her place! Jeez!" Tarakai says than, "well now that she's gone I guess I have no choice but too 'play' with you!" She says and than binds me, but I harden so it doesn't hurt me, "oh your no fun!" She says throwing me against a wall. I cough and get back up, she unbinds around my waist but than binds around my neck and starts too chock me and raise me up.

I hang there wheezing but than I notice her grip on it is lessening because it's turning night and the light is going away, see her binds have too be made out of natural made light, because she can make light but she can't use it for her binds, she has too use sunlight or lightbulbs. I feel it weaken more and pull on it and she gets pulled and drops me and pant for air and she charges at me making a flash blinding me and I fall she sits on my chest and pins my arms down with her hands and holds my legs down with her knees and she spits in my face.

I was about too kick up when an explosion is made and she is flown off of me, I look over and see...


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