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When his grip wasn't as tight I kinda wanted him to still hold on, and I could feel my face was less red, only a slight pink color, he let go and looked at me, and I could see his ears were a little pink, and he looked away, and when I looked around and I didn't see Tara anymore.

"Where did Tara go?" I asked tilting my head, "like I care, as long as she's far away from you!" Bakugo barked.

~<Kirishima's POV>~

I looked at him kind of shocked while Mina smirked at him elbowing him, "OH you wanna go Pinky!?" He yelled turning to her his cheeks and ears kind of tinted pink. Mina looked at him and stuck out her tongue, then whispered to him, I couldn't make out was she said but the next thing I know Bakugo was as red as my hair, chasing Mina with a plethora of curses. I looked at Denki and Sero to try to get answers while I pointed at them, "oh my gosh Kiri you are an idiot.." Sero said face palming himself. "What do you mean" I asked kind of confused and still in a daze remembering what Bakugo's touch was like, "dude you're like my best bro but, I'm disappointed in you dude" Denki said shaking his head.

I looked down, the word 'disappointed' triggering me, I told you~ none of them like you, they are just disappointed in you I took a breath and put on a fake smile, scratching my neck, "sorry I'm oblivious sometimes heh.." I said in full autopilot. We all went to our table, I sit next to Denki and Bakugo, while Jiro is across from Bakugo, than Mina is across from me and Sero is across from Denki.

I sat there not paying as much attention to everyone as I usually would, I just let my mind start to talk, why are you even still here, you don't even deserve to be at this school! In middle school you used to not wear a fake mask of 'oh I'm so happy! And everything is fine!' You should go back to how you were in middle school, remember when you used to cu- NO! No no nonono! I have been clean for like 2 months! I can't... I-I won't! I thought to myself, "hey guys I, Uh need to use the bathroom... I'm just not feeling well..." I said getting up and walking away in a quick pace.

I got into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, wow what a wimp, can't even sit with others! Hah you are such a useless bitch! "SHUT UP!!" I yelled punching the wall, but not activating my quirk, making my knuckles to get bloody, Jeez you even fuck up punching, you really are useless "j-just get out of my head please... I can't even hear myself think, just please stop..." I whispered feeling a salty liquid fall down my cheeks as my vision gets blurry with tears. "I-I'm.... I'm trying to be.... better..." I said almost inaudible, well, there is no fixing you, that's just how broken you are my eyes eyes went wide, because I realized something, they were right, there is not fixing me, it's like when you drop a tea cup, you can try to glue it together but it's still gonna leak, and along the way you are gonna lose a few pieces.

"You're right..."

I looked at my bloodied knuckle and smiled a little, cause I got what I deserved, to be hurt. It's not like anyone likes me, they just wanna get my hopes up, like everyone else, so if I distance myself first I won't be hurt as much.... right...?

I sat there on the bathroom floor, blood dropping down my hand, and just thinking, letting the voice take over. I couldn't even hear the bell ring indicating that it was time for last period, I only got up when I heard knocking on the door, I looked in the mirror and splashed water on my face, and washed my hand wincing a little at the sting of my knuckles. I wiped up the blood as the banging got louder, I heard a "OI SHITTY HAIR ARE YOU GONNA OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR OR WHAT?!?" In that moment I opened the door, almost getting hit in the face with a fist, because he was going to knock. "Sorry bro! I got carried away, I didn't get much sleep and sat down and fell asleep! Heh!" I said a fake face on.

He gave me a look like he didn't believe me, but just did his normal 'tch' and started walking, they don't care~ not even him I continued to walk, and caught up to him, going on about random stuff like Crimson Riot, Manliness, Disney movies, working out, all types of stuff, just to seem like 'my normal self'

~<3rd persons POV>~

As Bakugo and Kirishima we're walking back to class, Bakugo noticed that his friend wasn't talking as happy and energetically as he usually would be, and he saw his red puffy eyes when he opened the bathroom door, so he tried to find a way to ask about it, still giving his occasional 'tch' or grunt to acknowledge that he was listening, while I reality neither Kirishima nor Bakugo were really paying attention. They next thing Bakugo knew was that they were in class, and he didn't have time to ask Kirishima.

He groaned and sat down, and Kirishima sat in his seat, when the lesson began. Bakugo already knew the lesson cause he's ahead of the class, so he just kept thinking of how he would talk to Kirishima.

The red head sat there not paying attention, his thoughts being to loud to even listen, so he just sat there looking down at his paper, drawing 'I'm fine' over and over again.

Bakugo looked over at him and sighed, 'I'll ask him some time' he thought, knowing damn well that he wouldn't.

•sorry for the 3rd person change, I needed it's for plot and to practice 3rd person POV things! Sorry ~w~ but bye hope you like the chapter!•

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