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iii. hidden truths

       THE BEST OF LIES HAVE A SLIVER OF TRUTH HIDDEN IN THEM. That's what Slade has always told her, always insisted upon; if she thinks one of the Titans could be onto her, include a bit of the truth in whatever web she's trying to spin. It'll make the whole thing more genuine and make the gullible idiot more easy to fall for her tricks.

       She never expected it to work, but here she is, with a Star Sapphire's doubts fading away. And it feels weird. Isn't this the girl she's supposed to be worried about? Isn't this supposed to be one of the Teen Titans most powerful members? And yet, with just a few words, her suspicions have started to float away, to be forgotten in favour of comradery and friendship.

        Tara's seriously starting to wonder how they haven't all been obliterated already.

       "So, Markovia, huh?"

       That, Tara has learned, is how Freya Anastas will start a conversation. She's learned by now not to ignore her when she wants attention (she literally made a giant banner saying she wants some... it was a mixture of adorable and something that made her understand why Slade wants them all dead). Freya will just jump in with a question and she won't stop badgering until she's given some sort of answer, no matter how vague or grumpy it may be. According to Robin, it's always easier to entertain her, unless you happen to like violet constructions following you around all day long.

       "What about it?" Tara asks.

       "What's it like there? Do you have any siblings? What were your friends there like? Did you get into fights?" Freya bombards her. "Did you ━"

        "Nice, two, didn't have any, yes", she answers quickly. "Can you leave it?"

        "I wanna get to know you!" She insists.

        Knowing her, that's all it probably is but when Tara asks questions, she has a billion ulterior motives. She wants to know their strengths, their weaknesses, their deepest and darkest secrets. It's what she's been trained for so you'll have to excuse her for being a little paranoid that others might be after the same.

        "Then why don't you tell me about your home?" Tara challenges. "What are your parents like?"

        "Dicks", Freya says, simple as that. "But my mentor's not the worst! He's actually really nice... and dumb... but nice!"

        Tara blinks. This wasn't in the files and that means that Slade doesn't know about it, that she's actually collecting information. She wonders if this would make him happy... hm.

       "Who's your mentor?"

       "Green Lantern", she says breezily. "I'm gonna go meet up with him tomorrow ━ you can come if you'd like?"

End Of The Earth  ◦ Tara Markov | ✓Where stories live. Discover now