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xvi. let go

     FREYA'S DRUMMING HER FINGER ON DICK GRAYSON'S DESK, EYES FIXED ON THE WINDOW. She convinced him to take her with him, claiming that she wanted to spend a little time with her guardian, and he, still reeling from Wally West's departure, had agreed with only a couple of questions. She'd manage to sort those out by talking about shopping... it always makes him zone out, a hundred per cent of the time, and is basically her secret weapon against him.

     "Are you okay?" He asks her, still hunched over his work. Brother Blood has messed with all of them (okay ━ that might be a major understatement), but Dick especially & Freya knows he won't rest until that man is behind bars. Which, considering his track of record of avoiding sleep like the plague, is decidedly a bad thing.

     Freya kind of assumed he wouldn't notice her nervousness, not when he's so consumed by his work, but what can she do? This guy has been trained by Batman; for him, reading people is second nature.

     She pretends to be more interested in her nails than anything else, though, not exactly willing to tell him what's going through her mind. She doesn't know if this place is bugged or not and she doesn't want to take any chances, not when it's Tara's life on the line. "Hm? I'm fine... just wanna get out of here, I guess."

    "You sure?"

    "One hundred per cent", she says with a fake smile. It's starting to become her default expression and, really, she should be concerned, but she doesn't have the time for that. She's got to get this plan in action, kick Slade Wilson's ass and then meet up with Hal... and preferably do that last one before her ring takes her over.

     It seems like its having a lapse right now and she wants to believe that it was all just a false alarm, that she panicked over nothing, but the feeling of being out of touch with reality, of floating just outside everything, sticks with her.

     She doesn't want to lose herself. It could happen at any second ━ it's already happened to the Star Sapphire of Coast City. She's come back each and every time, but Freya doesn't know if she can.

     She's met Carol Ferris only once and she knows she's never going to be as strong as her. Hal had introduced them in an effort to help Freya come to terms with the whole space ring thing, but it didn't work out quite the way he expected. (It might have something to do with the fact that Carol is like, the most intimidating person in the universe. Darkseid wishes he had her power).

     But, it's whatever. Freya has way more pressing concerns, like possibly committing murder (because, uh, Slade Wilson? An actual monster, oh my God), figuring out a way to get Tara into therapy and maybe trying to find a good place for their first date. It's gotta be majestic...

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