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ix. summer blues

     TARA'S GOOD AT READING PEOPLE. She's had to be, after Slade trained her, made her into who she is today. She's gotten pretty amazing at it and that means that she can see how suspicious Raven is. Well, she's always been suspicious (and kind of a pain in her ass) but it's more now, and here's what's weird about it: she's not acting on it.

     Aside from the occasional glance, she's not doing anything and Tara's just left wondering, what the hell did Freya say to her? Did she tell her about the bruises? No ━ Raven would've told Kory about those, who would've told Dick and Donna and by then, everybody in the Tower would know.

     It's got her nervous.

     "Tara, honey?" Donna calls from the kitchen. "Can you come here for a sec?"

     She gets up, approaching the Amazon with her annoyance clear as day. The second she's there, she can see Freya beside her, looking like she'd rather be anywhere else. "What d'you need?"

     "I was wondering if you'd like to be one of my bridesmaids!"


     "Donna's getting married", Freya explains, her nose scrunching up, "to Terry."

      Wonder Girl glares at her softly, before focusing her attention in on Tara. "I wanted to know if you wanted to be one of my bridesmaids. Kory, Raven and Freya have already agreed!"

      Tara blinks. "Do I get paid?"

      Freya links her arm with hers. "With my wonderful company, yes!"

      "That's not what I ━"

      "It'll be fun!" She continues, her voice a little harsh. "Right, Don?"

      "I promise it will be. We'll be going to get the dresses next week, though, so I do need to know if you're in."

      Tara sighs. "Fine. But don't go thinking I like ya."

      "I wouldn't dare", Donna says with a laugh.

       Freya gives her a thin-lipped smile as she leaves and Tara feels a little out of the loop. She thought that Freya got boosted by love around her... and marriages are supposed to be about love... so what's her big issue here?

       "It's just gross!" She says when she sees Tara's confused expression. "Like, Donna's nineteen, okay, I get it, she's an adult ━ but he's fifteen years old than her! That's creepy, you know?"

      "How?" Tara asks and she's genuinely lost. Then again, maybe she isn't the best one to talk to about age gaps...

      "Power imbalances! The fact that, like, this asshole is a creep! So much shit!" Freya rambles. She's getting herself worked up, little violet sparks flinging off her body. "It's just ━ it's fucked up, you know? Once a guy's over thirty, maybe he should try, I dunno, not looking at girls under twenty?"

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