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viii. operation: save tara markov

     OPERATION: SAVE TARA MARKOV IS OFFICIALLY A-GO. Well, it's kind of a-go. She's just gotta get convince Raven that everything with Tara is fine, actually, they were both just getting a bad reading and then, after lying to her teammate, she's going to see Hal. She's already texted him and everything and honestly, she can't wait to talk this out with him. Like, as much as it should go against the nature of Hal Jordan, he's pretty good at talking her out of making stupid decisions that have no thought behind them.

     And Freya knows that if somebody doesn't reel her in soon, she's gonna storm into the situation without giving a damn about the consequences. That's not gonna help Tara ━ if anything, she'll just alienate her and make an already awful situation worse.

     Right now, even if she can't fully admit it, Tara does have people to support her. Freya, the Titans, they've got her back, right up until the bitter end, and that cannot be changed. But sometimes, Freya is aware, Freya knows from experience, that isn't enough. Sometimes, a little more is needed.

      "Tara's fine", Freya tells Raven. "I talked it over with her and she's just nervous, you know? About fitting and all that."

      "I wasn't detecting nervousness", she says, her tone making it very clear that she won't be accepting any bullshit. She's kind of terrifying when she's like this... why were they surprised that she was the devil's daughter? She's pretty sure that, with a single glare, Raven could take down anyone.

      "I need you to trust me on this", she pleads. "Don't push Tara and don't bring this up with Dick ━ it'll only make things worse."

     Raven sighs and Freya feels a swell of hope in her chest. The sigh is ━ well, it isn't a perfect sign, but it's not emotionless. There's feeling to it, even if she can't quite figure out what one.

     "I trust you", Raven says. "If you think this is the right thing ━"

     "I do!" Freya says, clapping her hands together. "I really do! And I'm gonna talk about it with Hal, instead of charging in headfirst... Raven, I really think we can help her."

      "Does she want our help?"

     She huffs. "Tara is... she's going through some stuff. I don't think she's even aware of how fucked up it is... I know I didn't..."

     Raven nods once in understanding. Raven's part of the reason Freya's not in that situation anymore... turns out, spectres that you're vaguely sure are hallucinations are fantastic motivators. And if she hadn't had Raven urging her to the right place at the right time, then she wouldn't have met the Titans, wouldn't have had Wally West fierce protection or Hal Jordan's understanding.

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