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v. no room for softness


     Tara Markov has been asking herself that very question for the past twenty minutes, as she made her way to the rendezvous point where her... whatever Slade is, will be waiting. She's been wondering, what makes a monster, what makes their actions unjustified? What turns somebody with good intentions into something despicable?

     And what happens when it isn't entirely your choice? What if... what if, being a monster wasn't what you wanted, but it was the only option you had? She feels like there should be some sort of clause for that, a little wiggle room, maybe a loophole or two.

     Her world has been painted in shades of grey for so very long now, each one darker than the last, and Tara's starting to think that it'll all turn black if she isn't careful enough. The darkness keeps on creeping in an dragging her down, into its deepest pits, and no matter how much she screams, she doesn't think she's going to be able to climb out.

     (She doesn't think he'd let her).

     All the Titans have left for the day. Kory and Dick are off on a date, Donna and Roy on a take-down, Raven to her favourite bookstore and Freya ━

     Freya's meeting Green Lantern. This, Tara knows, she will have to tell Slade, but it leaves a sick feeling in her stomach. Freya had been so excited, practically bouncing off the walls of the Tower, and now Tara's gonna have to betray her trust. She's gonna have to betray those violet eyes that sometimes look at her like she's someone special, someone important, and she's not gonna be able to apologize for it, not ever.

     She steels herself as she comes over the mountaintop and towards Slade's base. This is just a job, one of many in a long, long line that's only going to grow. Just because some of her targets, this time around, are genuinely good people, shouldn't change things.

     It doesn't change things.

     The doors swing open and she scowls at Wintergreen as she passes him by. She's pretty sure she's not supposed to like him... she feels like she should be jealous, just a bit.

     Whatever there is to unpack between the relationship of Slade Wilson and William Wintergreen can wait. She's gotta give her update, let him know all about the Titans and what they've been up to, the secrets she's learned and then, she doesn't know, she'll probably smoke.

     She can't do that around the Titans. It doesn't fit the image that they're trying to craft for her; the rough 'n' tumble kinda gal who's really just a softie at heart. She personally thinks he should've gone for somebody else to do it because so far, she's come off as just plain rude. In her defence, though, the Titans are uniquely annoying. They're all sugar and sunshine and nonsense and she can't wrap her head around them.

End Of The Earth  ◦ Tara Markov | ✓Where stories live. Discover now