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I CANNOT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY FINISHED THIS FIC. Like, listen, I never expected to be writing a Tara Markov fic or to have an OC quite like Freya Anastas, but I frickin' love them???? Our resident Star Sapphire has so many quirks lifted straight from me and writing about her, the girl with a terrible father, being a hero, getting the girl and having a happy ending, was overwhelming therapeutic. I gotta sort through a lot of my own shit via this fic.

I'm also so proud of how quickly it was finished. Within the first four months of 2020, the whole thing was wrapped up, with some admittedly major editing to be done (which future Maeve can focus on), and, yeah, it definitely shows that this was done so quickly, but like? I don't mind. It's not perfect (it's a certified Hot Mess), but I still adore it.

And there are so, so many people for me to thank, but here's a few off the top of my head:

Julia, because oh my gosh, she's insanely supportive and quite possibly the most talented human being in the universe? Every comment she's ever left on my fics has me beaming & ready to write, motivated in seconds. (Not to mention... her works are absolutely stunning... I'm not saying Bug Spray is the best Spider-Man fanfiction, I'm just saying that it's the best anyone will ever write ━━ and her graphics???? She invented talent, just sayin').

Rose, because, well, I love her endlessly. Watch me read a TVD fic without having watched TVD since I was like ten.

April, for letting me ramble about the concept of this fic, helping me with some details & being an absolute icon, the only bitch I respect.

Kylee, my follow NTT fan, who listens to me come out with random ideas on the daily, even when she's not even a part of the fandom they're for.

Liv, who's a cutie pie with the best Titans OC around (I would kill a man for Abby) & also??? is an amazing human being???? Like damn, winning at everything

Gabrielle, known icon, who leaves the sweetest comments and writes insanely intriguing fics that always leave me wanting more. I might be a little behind right now, but honestly? Expect spam over the mid-term, everything you have up looks amazing.

Liz, the original Terra fan herself, who's the embodiment of sunshine and sweetness. Also one of my original Wattpad friends, the person that I will never not look up (because have you read anything she's ever written? This girl is made of talent), somebody that can always make me smile and the creator of a totally adorable Flamebird cat that I would die for. She's the reason I wrote a Tara fic in the first place, the reason that I feel so comfortable in my writing. She's the most amazing & supportive person in the entire universe & I am so, so lucky to be able to call her my friend.

And everybody else who's even glanced at this book. Tara's not exactly a major character (or that well-liked...) and I never expected this fic to get as much love as it did and I'm eternally grateful for all of you. Thank you for reading this and sticking with it, despite all its faults (see: my tendency to go a little overboard on descriptions).

You guys mean the world to me.

You guys mean the world to me

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