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xviii. two hearts as one


     It should have come to a sudden, abrupt end by now. Everybody should've stopped moving, stopped the panic that surrounds them all, but no. The world keeps on spinning and spinning and spinning and none of it makes sense.

     Her body moves long before her mind can kick into gear and she's running, kneeling in the rubble and pushes rocks out of her way, digging and digging and digging. The ring on her finger is weak now, barely an ounce of power left in it, and she doesn't care, not when Tara's down there, not until she knows that Tara's safe.

     The fight is a blur in her mind, a cacophony of noises and punches, constructs and kicks, but she knows she lost control. She knows that, for a while, something else was in charge, somebody else had control of her body, her mind, her thoughts. The part of her that is Freya Anastas, that was shoved aside for something far, far darker, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

     Tara shouldn't have had to pay the price for it. Tara should've stayed in the Tower with the rest of the Teen Titans, safe and sound. She shouldn't...

     She shouldn't be dead.

     But she's there, with so much blood and glassy eyes. The spark that made Tara Markov alive, that burning fury within her, has finally been snuffed out and it's all her fault. She couldn't stay in control and now, the girl she loved has paid the price.

     Freya's shaking. Her entire body trembles and tears run down her cheeks and none of it matters. Tara Markov is lifeless and that's that matters, all that ever could. The rest of the world has faded away and she's left staring into empty eyes as her heart tears itself apart.

     "Come back to me", she whispers. "Please come back to me."

     Tara remains motionless. There's no snark, no smirk, no fire in her eyes. It's all blank and empty and dead, dead, dead.

     "I love you", Freya says and her ring sparks, the slightest bolt of violet light. "I love you, Tara."

     She needs her back. They were supposed to end this ordeal with Deathstroke, supposed to get their happy ending. They would be Titans and then, maybe, they'd retire. Maybe they'd stay in New York, maybe they'd move, but wherever they went, they'd be together and that's all that would matter.

      Freya wants a life with Tara. She wants to laugh and cry and love this girl, this hero, until the day she dies. 

     Her ring sparks and sizzles and she presses against her lips. There is something within, something that has latched itself onto her soul and refused to let go, something powerful and dangerous and hopefully strong enough to do the impossible.

End Of The Earth  ◦ Tara Markov | ✓Where stories live. Discover now