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he always stared from a distance. sometimes i liked it sometimes i thought it was weird.

one day i was chilling at the park with some friends and jason sits with us because my friends like him. i speak. "im so tired of these love songs. like celebrities complain or brag about how they can and cant find love. like we get it." i said in anger.

"im probably going to be single for a really long time." i said being quiet. more than before. "like one of those damn songs come on when im at a dance or a party and im just like im so tired of love songs i just wanna go home. its like mocking me." i said frustrated.

"its like no matter how hard i try it never comes to me." i add but before i can say anything else jd puts his hands on my face and forces me to turn to him. then out of no where he kisses me. when he pulled away i turned back to my friends and continued.

"so i was saying." as i blushed and smiled. my friends all laughed at me.

80s-90s ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now