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"You know, I don't like leaving mina alone.." Izuku said while stretching. Orca sighed, then walked into the middle of the gym. "She will be fine izuku, plus, it's 6 in the morning. It's a little early." Izuku didn't say anything, he just got in his stance and waited for orca to make a move. "I guess he's really not happy about it.." orca and izuku started walking around in a circle,  then orca said "you know what we're working on today?" And izuku nodded. "Try not to get mad... just breathe.."

They both stopped, then izuku ran towards orca and jumped up. He tried to hit orca in the face but he blocked It with his forearm. Orca pushed him back with his forearm and when izuku touched the ground, Orca started to throw a barrage of punches. Izuku was dodging them all, but the last one connected to his face and went back a little bit. Izuku looked angry, then orca shouted "remember to breathe izuku!" Izuku clenched his fists and started to breathe, then looked back up to orca with an angry look.

He rushed orca and threw a left punch so orca was expecting it, but izuku pulled back and hit him with his right fist. Orca took the punch and punched izuku in the gut. They both backed up and stood still, then orca threw a punch that was met with izukus fist, and they kept doing that until orca grabbed his fist and headbutted him. Izuku jumped back and grabbed his head. "Ow what the hell?!" He yelled, then orca chuckled and said "I've got a thick head, thicker then yours." Izuku groaned and sat down, then orca walked over by him. "Did the breathing stuff work?" Izuku nodded, but he was lying. "Well we still have an hour until your class starts, do you want to workout for the remainder of the time?" Izuku looked up and nodded, then they walked over to the weights, and orca was betting izuku on how much he can lift.


Izuku walked into the class and he saw mina with her friends, so he walked over to his seat and sat down, then sighed. He started to fall asleep until he felt someone tap his shoulder, so he looked up, then saw mina smiling. "How was your training?" She asked, then izuku shrugged. They sat there for a minute, then izuku said "I'm glad you are okay, mina." And it made mina smile brighter. She hugged him for a minute, then she frowned and said "izuku why are you wearing your mask?" Izuku sighed. "I'm more comfortable with it on." While mina was pouting to izuku about him wearing his mask, then Aizawa walked in and cleared his throat, which made everyone be quiet and go back to their seats.

"Everyone, this Friday we are going to a training camp, and we are going to be there for a week." He said, and everyone started cheering except for izuku, who was stuck looking at mina. "But first, you have to pass a test in order to go. So everyone go change into your suits and meet me in city B." Everyone was wondering why the needed to do all that for a test, but they listened anyways and grabbed their stuff. Mina looked back at izuku while they were walking for get their suits, and asked "Is there something wrong izuku? You've been staring at me for a long time." He shook his head, and replied "No, it's just.. you've gotten really pretty recently." Everyone stopped around them and mina started to blush, then everyone started to laugh lightly and grabbed their suits.

//City B\\

"Umm Aizawa?" Denki asked, and Aizawa looked at him. "Why is there a bunch of other pros here?" Aizawa looked all around and sighed. "This is the test. There will be a team of two, facing off against a pro and you all will be in different places, facing different challenges. If you don't pass, you don't go to the training camp." He said, and principal nezu popped out of his scarf. "That's right Aizawa! And There are two ways to win, you can beat the pro hero, or you can find the exit and escape. You don't have a time limit either so this should be a piece of cake."

"A piece of cake huh?" Everyone thought while they chuckled nervously. All might walked up to the front of the class and held of his arm and it showed a weight on it. "Also, all the pros will have weights on them, so it will be a little easier." Everyone sighed in relief, except izuku. He wanted whoever he was facing to be at 100 percent. "Alright let's start naming off teams shall we?" Nezu said, then Aizawa nodded. "Alright the team that's going first is izuku and mina."

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