The deal

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Hours have passed since we have stopped talking about my quirk. Kyaia is sleeping on my bed and Luna is teaching me meditation and yoga.

"Why can't we just walk out there and ask to see the boss man," I ask the two beings.

"We can but it is highly risky. We don't know how many there are out there." Luna replies not even opening her eyes from her meditation.

"Well, fighting is better than sitting in here, waiting for them," I say standing up and walking over to the sleeping demon. "Kyaia, Wake Up" I lightly yell at her, shaking her shoulders.


"KYAIA!!! WAKE UP!!" I yell into her pointed ear

"...MMMHHH" She moans out a warning to leave her alone but I'm not backing down.


Kyaia's eyes burst open immediately and she sits up straight with a wicked grin on her face." You wanna beat them up?!" She asks with immense excitement.

I look at her in both fear and surprise. "Umm... if they attack then you can subdue them and tie them to a pole. How 'bout that?"

Her face lights up in pure joy as she quickly jumps out of bed and grips the doorknob. She looks back at luna and she gives a quick nod, signalling that she can do whatever she was about to do. With a quick turn, the doorknob gives way and the door almost flys off its hinges.

"Well that's one way to do it," I say as I calmly walk out the room, the 2 glowing beings following me.


I turn my head and look down the hallway, one end is doors and the other opens up to a bright room with low mutters. I turn towards the light and walk into a bar type area.

"AHHHUMM" I clear my through loudly so that the 4 people in the room look at me. I look around the room scanning what faces I can see. A blue-haired man with a hand on his face is at the bar, a mist man is behind it. A young boy with scars and red hair on the couch next to a blond girl with fangs. Interesting combination of people.

"I got bored... so I thought I would explore a bit" I shrugged with my newfound confidence.  I walk up to the bar and sit a stool away from Mr handyman. "Got any orange juice?" I ask the mist person who had stopped cleaning the dusty glasses.

Suddenly, Kyaia grabbed a hand that was inching its way towards my head. I hadn't even noticed, I much become more aware of my surrounding in the future. I quickly composed myself again and put on a still face. "Thank you, Kyaia. Now I want to talk to your boss. Whoever runs this place."

"The master doesn't talk to the likes of you" The handyman spat.

Just as I was about to reply, the tv in the bar turned on with the words 'audio only' against a static background.

"I believe you're looking for me?" the voice comes through the speakers like a harsh static.

"Indeed. My associates here tell me you're the man to come to if I need my quirk trained," I answer in a rough tone.

"Indeed. I may be the only one who could combat you in the field. But if I train you what do I get in return?" The mysterious man asks.

"Master! you can't really think about training this hero-wannabe?!" The handyman yells at the monitor.

"Silence, Shigaraki! His request is valid as long as you can give me something in return," He asks

"I will train with you for 4 years, become your scientist. I have an IQ of 145 so it shouldn't be much of a problem."

"Interesting... I've seen your scores. You are quite the genius for your age. It could come in handy for the nomus. mhh" As the man behind the screen thinks about my proposal, a glass of orange juice gets set in front of me. I silently thanks the mist man and take a sip.

"Okay, you shall train with me, 10 hours' a day for 4 years. from 9 am to 7 pm. You will be teleported by Kurogiri at the agreed-upon times to a training location and back. Deal?"

"Sounds fine to me. And after the 4 years. I get to let go, no strings attached."

"Of course," The man says reassuringly, a bone-chilling grin on his face.

"Okay then, Deal," I say confidently. Even though I can't see his face I can almost tell he's smiling.

"Shigaraki! Get this young man a room and some clothes. Do your associates need anything?"

"A room for themselves, near mine and don't worry about clothes. I'm sure they can handle it." 

After that, the handyman known as Shigaraki showed us to our rooms. As soon as I was left alone, I fell on the bed and slept.


Hi, people. I hope you like it so far. Please keep in mind that he is not held against his will, he can travel out of the building at any time as long as he is back there for his training. Plus, don't judge but I acted like I was older when I was 6 so this makes a lot of sense to me. Plus, an IQ of 145 is counted as 'gifted' for a 14-year-old so he is actually quite smart.


Izuku, God or Demon (OP Izuku AU) (Discontinued, Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now