A strange but great reunion

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Izuku's POV

After the training, I came back and was awarded for his skill, bravery and 'manliness'. Todoroki came up to me at lunch and we practised together in the gym. (under the supervision of Aizawa, obviously.)

The last period of the day was History, taught by the favourite angel and demon. Me, being me, slept through most of this, only to be yelled at Iida. 


I looked at the 2 girls at the front, "You were serious about getting them to use sensei?" Kyaia chuckles as luna gives a sigh 

"Yes. It's good for them to use honorifics. In heaven, if you don't use honorifics, God gets very mad."  I hum an ok as the rest of the class looks at them in disbelief. 

"Wait, God?" Uraraka says, looking between me and the teachers. I sigh again, walking to stand next to the girls. 

"Luna and Kyaia here are my guardians and thus have been sent from heaven and hell to look after me. True forms please." Luna glowed a bright white, appearing again with silvery, feathered wings, a light blue halo and a white and blue gown.  Kyaia erupted in black smoke, once it cleared, she had larger horns,  black eyes, fangs that stuck out of her mouth, black, leathery wings, and a pointed tail that wiped around behind her. 

They were both taller and seemingly floated above the ground. "Luna is an Arch-angel and a general in god's army. Kyaia is a pure-blood demon, 2nd in command of the gates of hell. They train and look after me. When Luna says God, she means GOD."

The class looked shocked. I grinned as I scanned over peoples faces. Some had looks of wonder, some of the confusion and a couple of pure and undeniable terror. *cough* Bakugo *Cough* *cough*. 

"Back to normal now, please." I looked at them, Kyaia was grinning madly while Luna was trying not to laugh. Another light and another puff of smoke and they were back to there 'human' forms. 

Aizawa walked in, looked at the shocked class and sighed. I had already shown all the teachers there forms so he knew what this look was. 

"Everyone please, back to your desks. Luna, Kyaia, Please don't do that again. You scared Mic so bad he needed therapy last time." Kyaia chuckled, remembering how she scared Present Mic as Luna apologised once more for not holding her back far enough. 

The two beings walked out as Izuku went to the corner, floating up to the bookshelf and pulling out a book.

"Tomorrow, we will be going to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, also known as the USJ. Myself, Thirteen, All Might and Gift will be there to look after everyone. Please go home and train. Dismissed."

The class soon chattered excitedly while Aziawa and Izuku walked out, going to their respective homes.

~ the next day~

Izuku walked across the field, heading towards the bus and students. He was late because he had helped All Might defeat 3 VILLAIN THIS MORNING. Of course, he didn't want the attention so All Might did most of the work. 

"Hey! Aizawa. Yagi's out. It's just us 3." I say as I draw near Aizawa. 

As everyone gets on, Aizawa gets on last. One foot on the bus and he turns to me. "You coming or are we going to see you there?"

"I'll get my own way over," I say, closing my eyes and warping the molecules in my legs and walking (basically running)  to a nearby shop. 

After picking up some chips and a packet of mint oreo's, I stop using my quirk and start walking normally towards the USJ. If the class is starting at school it will take 15 minutes. My walk will only take 12 so I should get there before them. 

As expected, the class arrives a couple of minutes after, dispensing a bothered mass of boys,  giggling girls and a royalty pissed Bakugo. 

"Hey, G, How'd you get here before us?" Mina asked, announcing my presence to the rest of the class. They turn to me but before I could answer, Aziawa stumbled out, interrupting me.

"Problem child over here can control everything, this includes how fast the molecules in his legs go. So basically, he walked" He said, grumbling out something like 'cheating, speed walking bastard' 

I chuckled at the sleepy and now pissed teacher. "He is right though. I just walked"

I smile, seeing Bakugo flinch slightly, I drop it. His face quickly flashes between sad, angry and something else. 

Reagusting my mask and top hat I step back, turning on my heel and leading the students inside. We are greeted by the excited Thirteen. They start talking about there 'baby' and 'prized possession' 

I look around the student's faces, Uraraka was basically bouncing up and down and most were looking around the place with a gleam in their eyes. 

Bakugo seemed to be trying to focus but is noticeably sad about something. Oh Kacchan, did you really even care?

"Hey! You guys got fake villain too! Manly!!" Kirishima yelled (I act so much like him), pointing to a swirling purple gas, emanating from the centre.

I look towards where he is pointing, a mixture of happiness and anger freezes me to the spot.  

"Everyone, get back to the bus! thirteen, protect the student. Gift, With me!" Aizawa yells from his fighting stance. 

I realise he's going to fight them so I quickly grab his shoulders. He looks at me, confusion on his face. "Chill, I know them." Aizawa nodded his head. The students behind them look in confusion as I walk down the stairs 

 "YO SHIGG!!! CAN YOU NOT KILL MY STUDENTS!!" I yell, waving and walking towards Shigaraki. 

He looks at me, sending a portal in front of me, letting me take a short cut towards them. 

"Hello, bitch," I say to him, 


HOLY SHIT PEOPLE!! It has been foorrreeevvveerrrrrrrr since I uploaded this. But that's fine because YALL ARE GETTING NEW CHAPTERS.

Hope you like this chapter and keep reading and enjoying. I do actually reply to comments, so if you do say something via comment, I might just reply. :D


Izuku, God or Demon (OP Izuku AU) (Discontinued, Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now