Everyone against a God

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Izuku's POV

"Hello, students." I chirp in an innocent way. "Are you all here to fight me?"My smile turns to a frightening grin.

Some students shiver at the sight. "Everyone remembers their jobs. Let's take him down." Todoroki encourages to his classmates. They all nod and start coming at me in groups of 3.  (a terrible idea really)

First, Ojiro, Sato and Shoji come at me. All close range, Hand to hand fighters. I use water around my feet to quickly glide to each one. They don't need to be beaten up so I just quickly cuff them. 

"Ojiro, Sato and Shoji have failed. Please proceed to the watching room."I hear Aziawa say lazily through the loudspeakers.

"Well, that was too easy people," I say, putting in some sass in my stance. Bakugo growls at my form but some of the girls blush. Todoroki too, surprisingly. 

Next Asido, Tsu and Hagakure come forward. Hagakura takes off her gloves and shoes and disappears. Tsu throughs her tongue at me in an attempt to bind me.  I grab it and through it to my left, where I could hear Hagakure's footsteps. 

Asido throughs acid on the floor and starts to skate at me, with a good amount of speed too. I get into my stance and bend the water from the acid making it form a ball above her. Not wanting to kill her I simply cuff the 3 and evaporate the acid. 

"Next," I say and look directly at Bakugo. Making eye contact. 

Aoyama, Kaminari, Jiro and Sero all use their distance attacks. I quickly dodge the laser that was aimed at my face.

I use some water to whip away the ear jacks and sticky-tape. 

 I then quickly change and use the lightning element to make Kaminari's attack, zap them all

"I'm sorry guys but I have an easy way to deflect all your quirks. You can't beat me." I say, quickly cuffing them all and Koda who was shivering in the background.

'WHAT THE FUCK!!! HOW IS THIS LOSER, WEAKLING SO DAMN STRONG!!" Bakugo yelled to himself, creating small explosions in his hands.  

"OHHH now this line up might be a challenge. How 'bout you all charge at me?" I take a stance. 

Opposite me were Kirishima, Tokoyami, Todorki, Bakugo and Momo. 

Momo started walking up to me. "I see your strength. I would like to be cuffed please." I looked at her with my head tilted to the side. 

"Sorry, darling but you're going to be my prisoner now." She looks at me in disbelief and shock. I bend some metal to make a chair with restraints. I usher her nicely into it with no difficulty and bend the restrains in place.

1 on her neck, 2 on her wrists and 2 on her ankles.

I look back to the now extremely pissed off group. 

"Let her GO!!" Shoto yells, throwing a giant wave of ice at me. I take my fire bending stance and shoot fire from my fist, melting a hole through the colossal glacier. 

"You guys don't understand the meaning of overpowered, Do you," I smirk, emerging from the mist-covered glacier.

"LET HER GO YOU RIGHT BASTARD!!" Bakugo screams at me, flying and dodging any icebergs in his way. 

"Umm, How about no," I say. I give him a brief but deadly stare that shocks him for a second. Landing a powerful earth bended rock to his head, He drops. Naturally, I use some water so lower his decent and cuff him, putting him next to Momo. 

"Now all that leaves is you three." Kirishima, Tokoyami and Todorki look at me in a mix of fear and admiration. They did just watch me take out the most powerful kid in the class. 

Kirishima activates his quirk but I quickly put him with Bakugo. His quirk is useful but not against someone much stronger than him. Tokoyami also is a quirk one. He has an immensely powerful quirk but I can control the shadows.

I activate a vocal part of my powers. "Dark Shadow, Stand down" The frightened creature immediately stops attacking and hovers next to me.  

After a moment, Tokoyami comes up and also asked to just be cuffed. "I have been beaten. Please cuff me." 

I hand him 2 cuffs and a crowbar that I made out of metal. "Go release momo and cuff her too while you're at it." I smile at him. He does what I say, Dark shadow now cowering near him. 

"Now it's just you and me," Todoroki says, getting into a very serious stance.  

"Oh, Don't be like that. If we take this seriously then it's no fun" I stand normally, like I'm waiting for a bus. "I've met your dad you know. Picked his brain a bit and lets just day, that dude has some PROBLEMS" 

"Tell me about it." 

"I understand why you don't use your left side but it really wouldn't be that bad." I feel pity for this boy. Sure I went through something similar with Mr handy-man being a dick and all. But he is on a completely different level.

"I Will Never Use His Quirk. I will beat All Might with just my right side." 

"But you realise that it's not his quirk. Sure, you got it from him. But it's yours now. It has been since you were born. Nothing changed with you when your mom left." 

"HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHAT CHANGED. YOU HAVENT GONE THROUGH WHAT I HAVE!!" Todoroki yells very loudly, Both his left and right sides are steaming. He is close

"But I have. My mother was killed in front of my eyes. I was kidnapped and tortured to become this. An unstoppable force. Everyone has problems man. Just accept them and use yourself to the fullest." I calmly stand there. Todorki was close to tears and so was most of the captured students. 

I walk up to him and take his hand, holding it palm up to the sky. I do the same with my own hand and form a small flame, putting it into his hand. 

"There, now you can use my quirk to fight." I smile at him taking a step back. The flame flickers and glows, Beating to his heartbeat.

I smile once more and turn, walking out of the arena. The gate says that the hero's win and I walk off into the forest to be by myself. 

If I can't die, Then I'll help others live. 


feww, this was a long chapter huh. I really like it tho. If you are confused then don't worry, it will all be explained in the next couple of chapters.


Izuku, God or Demon (OP Izuku AU) (Discontinued, Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now