Way too powerful

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~Izuku's POV~

"Hello, bitch," I say to him, He chuckles and hugs me.

"Hey, kid problems. So, you're a teacher now?" It was my turn to laugh now.

"I know right. Never thought when I left, I would have to work with another group of children. Oh, no offence Giri."

He laughs while Shig yells at me.

"We were going to kill All might but he doesn't seem to be here," Giri tells me while looking at the students and 2 teachers.

"And I guess we can't really kill anyone with you around," Shig says, his hand going towards his neck.

"I swear Shigaraki If you scratch you neck I will through you through the roof." I activate my quirk a bit, eyes change colours. He immediately put his hand down. 

"Good. Now, so this fight seems legit and there has to be some kind of learning experience for my students, how about we do this." I explained the plan to send the students to different areas and send some small flys to them so they can fight and capture them. While this goes down, they can go back to master and say explain what would happen. 

They agreed and it all went down. Iida ran to UA only to see the teachers watching a projection of the battle thanks to me. When Iida asked why they weren't going to help they simply said: "You have Gift, nobody can defeat him, this may as well be scripted." 

He was shocked but realised that this was true. I had never lost and never even came close. 


Back with the students 

G, Eraserhead and thirteen were watching from the stairs, G had put up a projector screen for them. They watched as the students fought the villains, noting what techniques and how well they worked with others. 

Once they were done they all gathered in the centre expecting there to be a big boss. Sadly they were only meet with their extremely excited teacher.  Once everyone was there, G started explaining.

"Well done class!! You took them all out much faster then I thought you would." Gift Smiled at all the students, they just look at him with confused faces. 


"Actually, indeed I did set this up, Katsuki. The villains you all fought were simply pawns for an old friend of mine. He knew he wouldn't win with me around so he lent me some pawns to teach all." Bakugo flinched when Gift said his name, looking down in almost sadness?

"Our local hero, gift, is very well connected. You all should suck up to him because he could be your next boss." Aizawa said as he slinked over to the group in his bright yellow sleeping bag. 

"New bag, Shota?" Gift said mockingly. He simply grumbled in return. The class sweatdropped at the strange and short conversation between the two teachers. 

"Now is the second part of this training. You all will have to go out and find the villains that you left, save them, treat them and then cuff them. Please go to a different area than where you were fighting and start!" Thirteen, taking over from the young teacher, told the students what to do. 

The students ran to a zone and did what they were asked to, some better than others (*cough* Katsuki *cough*) Izuku, once more, made a screen for the teachers so they could see what was happening. 


~le time skip~

"Okay class, go to the bus and well go back to school in time for the home bell" Aziawa directed the students back to the bus, Iida flailing his hands around to 'help'. As normal, this wasn't really useful.

About 5 minutes after they started driving, they had to turn around to find G, who seemed to fall asleep. 

"Oi, Gift, Wake up!" Aizawa kicked gift in the side to wake him up.


"Come on, you've used too much of your quirk. get on the bus" Grumpy, Gift went to the bus, falling asleep on the nearest seat which just happened to have Bakugo. (KATSUDEKU!!)

Ignorant of this, G curled into a ball, resting his head of Bakugo's lap. Growling, he went to explode the small kids head but was stopped by Aziawa's quirk and scarf. 

"DON'T. Unless you wanna be without hands for a week." He threatened, walking towards the boy, positioning him on a different seat. Laying him down, taking off his hat.

As soon as it was off, dark green and black, fluffy hair popped out. Katsuki muttered something and skinked back into his seat. Most girls oohing and awwing at the now defenceless boy.  

After a good couple minutes of driving, they got stuck in traffic. Fearing they might be extremely late, Aziawa choose to wake the sleeping kid. 

"Bakugo, Wake him up," Aizawa said in a hushed tone 

"Why the hell am I going to do it!" He whisper-yelled. 

The tired teacher looked at him with a 'really' face. Rolling his eyes he explained. "He chose to fall asleep on your seat. He'll kill you less." 

Bakugo surprisingly agreed, gently shaking the small kid. "Oi, dumbass. Wake up." 

The small kid woke up with a startle, water blade to Katsuki neck. Once he realised where we were, he dropped the blade and stood up.

His mask was slightly askew revelling half an eye bag and a good handful of freckles. Reagusting it, he turned to Aizawa. "Hat"

He handed him his top hat, brushed it slightly and placed it on his head. "Now, what's the problem." His voice deep and gravelly, like he had been screaming in a cupboard for several hours. 

"Traffic, fix it," Aizawa said quickly. He knew when G was like this, you don't waste time. 

"Everyone joins hands" Nobody wanting to annoy the freakishly dark boy, all joined up with him, his hand on the bus wall. 

Sudden, all the noise outside the bus stopped. "Everyone outside."  As everyone exited, they looked in wonder at the frozen birds, trees stopped mid fling and frozen people yelling out there windows, wordless.

"What happened?" Sero said as he looked at his surroundings. 

"I froze time." They looked back at the now walking boy, holding the entire bus over his head, a mini-tornado in his hand. 

Everyone looked at the small, slouching boy holding A FUCKING BUS LIKE ITS NOTHING!!! After a minute of walking, he drops the bus at the edge of the traffic, making sure it is far enough in front. 

"Alright, everyone back in." Stunned the students slowly walked back onto the bus. G touched the bus and all the time unfroze 

Everyone stared at this boy who is WAY too powerful.  He notest this and turned to them. "Anyone got a problem with what I just did?" 

Some shock there heads while others just stared. "Good" Once again, he took off his hat, handing it to Aizawa, and sat down, leaning against Bakugo.  

The blond growled only to be silenced by the growl of the smaller boy. Giving up, the pomeranian sighed and leaned his head against the window.

Everyone who was watching this was silently screeching. Aizawa and most of the girls were taking pictures for blackmail purposes. 

This was basically it until they reached school where Izuku showed the students out, watching with a sad smile as students meet their parents. 

Luna and Kyaia came out, looking for there student. Once they found him, Luna gave him a hug and Kyaia suggested some training to keep his mind off it. 

He took off his mask for a sec to wipe away his tears, walking back into the school to train. 

Little did he know, a local pomeranian was watching with a stunned and sad face. 


OHHHHH!!! this was a long one boy!! Can yall see where I'm going with this? I really hope you can!!!! 


Izuku, God or Demon (OP Izuku AU) (Discontinued, Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now