Chapter 3

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The day has finally arrived. I'm so happy to go back to Korea. Yeah I'm gonna miss the beautiful sunset here in LA, my friends at school and the ice cream stall. So many memories.

We can create new memories in Korea. I wonder, will he still remember me? Don't tell me that Jong In had forgotten about me. After all those years, I'm pretty sure that he's still mad at me for leaving him at the park alone where we use to play together. That's the day I had to leave, without telling him.

The three of us carried our luggages and head to my uncle's car. On the way to the airport, I had a lot in mind. What if? What will? What happens next? Thoughts like that until Eun Hye shook me. "Hey! What's up with you? Don't tell me you did forget to watch Pewdiepie on livestream last night" she said. "What the fish?! Sheesh why you telling me this now? I told you to remind me!" I answered without swearing specifically since appa was there in the front seat.

Finally we are here. I took out my IPod and put them in my pockets, just in case i forget to take them out later. It's time to board and gotta say goodbye to uncle. One last wave till we walk into the building.


"Finally we have landed. My wings ache cause of flying" I nudge Eun Ji on the shoulder. "Yeah! You better hear that cause we bitches has-the arrive" Eun Ji replied and we start laughing.

Appa contacted one of his friends to pick us up from the airport. So me and Eun Ji decided to walk around about. We went to the candy shop and bought few candies. "Um, Eun Hye?" Eun Ji asked. "What is that you want rabbit?" I said. "

Can you please hold my bags, I really really need to go to the ladies" she asked. "Go on before your bladder burst, and don't think about waterfalls on the way there" I told her with my evil grin. "Oh damn you" she said and ran off.

"Why didn't I took a trolley in the first place? Oh that's right Eun Ji doesn't want me too" I mumbled. I hugged my black Polo sling bag that appa gave me as a present. I like it when it comes to travelling, it looks buisnessy. I hold Eun Ji's bag then i saw this perfume shop it had caught my eye.

So I had to go there and see it. As I was walking, someone bumped into me. "Ouch!" I exclaimed. The bags were all scattered on the floor. Seems that his bags too.

"Oh sorry, I'm sorry that I bumped into you. Oh I gotta go" he handed my bag and the other bags and ran off. I was still on the floor. "Wait-" I couldn't finsih my sentence because that tall guy ran off just like that. I could see why he's running, screams were every where. Massive girls, fangirl screams. They chased him. Poor guy, he must be famous for some reason I thought.

Eun Ji came out and notice a lot of people running to the same direction. "What's the ruckus all about? Why are they running? Who are they chasing" she asked. "Some popular guy I guess?" I said which is true because I saw him. "Anyways, lets go to appa-" I said while pointing at his direction, "he's calling us" . We took our bags and went to follow him to the car.


Hey guys! Next chapter is gonna be exciting. Be sure to support my cousin, misskpopdelight. Let's see what happens next, do vote and comment

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