Chapter 13

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We went outside and his car stopped infront of us. " I thought you walked here?" I asked him."Well I did. Now get in." he opened the passenger's door for me. A guy in white handed him the keys to his car.

Kris gave him some cash and said "Take a taxi home or where ever. You're off for today" must be a driver I thought. Kris sat at the driver's seat and start driving. 

"Driver?" I asked. "Wha? Dae.One of the drivers." he said. One of? You mean there's more? I thought. He tapped the sterring wheel and turned to me "So, any plans later?" It's a Friday today.

Appa took a flight to Japan doing a research on drugs to cure cancer. He's not going to be back in a few days. Eun Ji was sleeping over at her best girl friend's house. If I do have plans, I have none. "Nope" I said.

He nodded. I looked outside the passenger's window and saw the beautiful Autumn leaves. The season is coming soon. He turned into this junction and it looks like we are kinda away from the city. 

"Yah. Are you lost? It looks like we're in the middle of no where" I said. "Anyi. Kris is never lost." he scoffed. "Where are we going exactly?" "Wait until we take this turn" 

We're at the middle of a boulevard. It's really pretty."Wahh, daebak" my mouth is still open. I can see him smirking at the corner of my eye. We finally make it to a stop, infront of a black gate.

I looked at Kris, pulling something out of his pocket, a key with a button. He pressed it and the gate started to open with creaking noises. 

He drove inside and stopped his car. "Is this-" I'm amazed. "Yup. welcome to my penthouse" he boasted. But still wow. I looked around as if I'm a lost Disney princess who can't believe she would be in a palace. 

"The house has 3 bed-" "Yah. You didn't tell me to bring clothes" I cut him off. "Who said that you're going to sleep here?" I felt a little embarrased. "Because you will"  I looked at him. "Yah! Eun Ji is alone at home" I lied to avoid sleeping here.

"Oh jinja? I texted her and she said she's sleeping over at her friends house" he said sarcasticly. I felt like I got burned. "Fine. But still I didn't bring my clothes."

He went over to the car's trunk and tossed me a bag. "That is why I asked my driver to send some. You better be greatful that I had to asked someone to buy women clothes for you"  He said. 

"Why should I? I didn't ask for it. But thanks anyways." He rolled his eyes and went inside. I followed him to one door. "This is where you're sleeping, I'll be sleeping upstairs in my room. Settle your things and go to the backyard" He says as he opened the door. I went inside and closed the door to settle my things in the room.

I took a warm shower and tied my hair into a messy bun. I poured everything out of the bag and wore an over-sized grey sweat shirt that I find cute. I put on a black yoga pants that I saw at the corner of the bed.

I should go out now. Kris must be at the backyard I thought. I saw him from the window, poking white fluffy stuff through a stick.

There was a camp fire too. I put on my slippers and stepped outside.

"Are we roasting marshmellows?" I asked him. He seemed surprised. "Mianhe" I said. "Here" he handed me a stick with 3 marshmellows. "Thanks"


We sat down on folded chairs while eating a few marshmellows. I gritted one between my teeth and pulled the stick. While I was chewing, Kris stared at me.

I turned to him "What are you looking at? Am I really that pretty?" I teased. He chuckled "You know that, you're actually wearing my sweat shirt?"

My eyes widened "Jinja? I should change. By the way, it smells like cheap perfume" I said. Its the kind of smell that attracts me.

That kind of deep blue ocean mist. "Yah!" he blurted. "Just keep it. It smells like you now. Anyways what perfume do you usually use?" He said.

"Ommo. Kamsahamida! Guy's sweat shirts are the best. It's a secret." Mixed berries and burnt sugar is the kind of Eun Hye scent.

Everytime whoever ask me this, it sure is a secret. When they sniff the 'Eun Hye' scent they'll know it's me. That is why it's important. I yawned.

"Someone's sleepy" Kris said. I am actually but I lied and widened my eyes "No,anyi. I'm not sleepy" but then I yawned again.

He smirked. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll clean up" he said without looking at me. "Are you sure, you don't want any help?" I asked because I'm confused. Kris has a few sides. The bitchy side, the sweet side and the odd side.

It's rare to have a guy who would do this. I opened my mouth to say something "Go. To. Bed. Now" he cut me off. "Dae ajussi. Good night" I bowed and ran off before he says something.

Once I reached my room I burst into laughter. What the hell are you thinking? He's going to think that you're weird. Oh who cares, he's weird himself I had a coversation in my head again.

I opened the blinds a little and it seems that the view is the backyard. I peered out for a while looking at Kris cleaning things up. He saw me and I quickly closed it.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Luckily he had an extra or my breath will smell like Davey Jone's locker. I untied my hair and went to sleep.


After cleaning up, that took me about an hour. I wasn't sure if Eun Hye is still awake. I stopped myself from knocking on to her bedroom door. I quietly opened the door and it did creak a little.

I closed my eyes shut. I wasn't sure why then I opened them. Eun Hye is asleep, wearing one of my favourite sweats. Her lights are still on. So I switched them off. I tucked her under her blanket.

I was on my way out until Eun Hye mumbled "Thank you". I turned around and looked at her for a while and whispered "Sweet dreams". I went out quietly not to wake her up.

I went upstairs and my phone rang. [ Father ] my screen says. I answered the call and said "Yeobseyo." "Where are you?" "I'm fine thank you. I'm at the dorm" I lied. "I was just checking. Okay" "Okay" he hung up.

Ommo. That reminds me. I told the boys that I'll be at the dorm. I texted Suho

K : Hyung, I won't be sleeping at the dorm. Tell Tao not to wait for me

He replied immediately

S : Oh jeez. Okay I will. Goodnight hyung

I locked my phone and change into some comfortable clothes. My eyes felt heavy so I went to bed.

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