Chapter 8

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I knew Jong In would be there. That's why I looked down to avoid him, but seems like we're classmates I can't. I looked up when someone said "Eun Ji? Is that really you?". Don't look, don't look, oh shit I looked . "Duhhh, she said so that she was Eun Ji."  the Baek guy said. "Eun Ji yah. Isn't that your best friend?" Eun Hye whispered. I wasn't aware until someone ran up to me and hugged me. "I miss you, bunny"  says Jong In. 

I hugged him back. "Yah! Kai yah, how come you never told us that she was your best friend?" "Yeah you dark skinned boy" . The boys began bickering and I let go of Jong In. "You guys look familiar, I just can't tell who-"  I said to them honestly. Eun Hye was there with her blank face. Joon Myeon cleared his throat and spoke "Why don't we introduce ourselves to them. In the count of 3, 1, 2 "  "Annyeonghaseyo! We are One, We are EXO"  they greeted us. Then they introduce themselves one by one and preffered to be called by their nicknames. "Kim Jong In imnida, aka Kai of EXO"  . Kai. Kai. Kai.


We all played around and it's few minutes to Maths Class. Math's one of my favourite subject. The boys began to dance and laugh. Eun Ji was with her childhood friend, Kai. Kai began to introduce her to the other members. Baekhyun went to peeped out the door and alarmed us "Guys! Mrs. Ji is right at the corner" . Then all of us sat down quickly and took out our books. 

I payed attention to what the teacher explaining. "Yah Eun Hye. Can I borrow a pen?" Baekhyun asked me. I was about to lend it to him then Mrs.Ji stopped talking and turned around to faced Baekhyun. "Byun Baek Hyun, what  is 4 x 4 + 4 x 4 + 4 - 4 x 4 ?"  Mrs. Ji asked him. I can see Baekhyun was struggling. "It's uhh- It's- I know this one. "  He said while pressing the sides of his head. "Anyone care to help him to solve the question?" she scanned around the class and stopped at Kris, the fan guy. " Wu Yi Fan, solve the problem" . We all looked at him, as for me he sat behind me so I just turned around. He looked startled after doodling on the piece of paper infront of him. He just looked at the teacher in confusion and looked at me. 

"Why don't you give it a try to solve, Eun Hye"  she asked me. I mumbled Thanks to Kris in English and he replied No problem. I stood up "The answer is 320"  I sat immediately.  "And that is correct. Pay attention next time Baekhyun. As for you, you better catch up" She pointed to the both of them. And she continued on and on and on.

Recess. The teacher left and everyone gathered around me, so did Eun Ji. "You were great Eun Hye" "You're so smart" "That's my sister you're talking about" they muttered. "Thanks guys"  was all I can say. I put my stuff in my bag. "Hey, why don't you guys come join us for recess"  Kai asked. "Really? You guys won't mind?" "No, not at all. Leggo I'm hungry." Suho pouted.

We reached the cafeteria. "I'll race you to the food place"  Baekhyun said. And they all ran off leaving me alone, with Kris. He put his hands in his pockets.  I looked at him and suddenly  I can't control my balance and almost fell. I closed my eyes and suprised that my back didn't hit the ground. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Kris face upclose. One of hIs hands were on the bottome of my back. I felt the chills. And he asked "You okay?"  with his raspy voice. People start to gather around and start taking pictures. I stood up frimly and dust myself. 

My face was full of embarrasment. I walk quickly to get some food. I spotted Baekhyun waving at me and I went to that table. I sat between Suho and Lay. Then few minutes laeter Kris showed up and sat at the seat infront me. When I look down to enjoy the deliciousness of the food, I feel uncomfortable. That kind of feeling that someone is staring at you. I looke up immediately with my noodles sticking in my mouth and I was right. He was staring at me. I whispered to Lay "Hey, who's the pretty face sitting next to you?" "Wae? That's Luhan hyung."  OMG I felt embarrased I thought she- I mean he was a girl. 

The minute I looked at Kris, he winked at me. I felt warmth in my cheeks. What the hell man? It's just a wink from a normal guy to a normal guy. If only he was normal. I looked away to the other members and seems that they're talking about their tour next month. Chen and Baekhyun were debating on whose the better singer. I was thinking about Kris. I have no idea why I was thinking about him. "Unnie yah, they won't stop blabbering about themselves." Eun Ji told me. I just smiled that she can get along with them.  "Eun Hye yah, who do think is the better singer?" Baekhyun was pointing to himself. Chen was like doing an X with his arms. "Hmm, I'd say Kris"  I answered. What am I saying? I was about to say D.O but his name popped in my mind. Everyone looked at me and Kris with widened eyes saying "Bo?". "Anyi, I meant all of you are great singers. If you guys weren't you won't be here" I told them honestly. Sheesh babies.

"Eun Hye's right. We are one, We are EXO!" Suho said. Then they all clapped hands, they're just being noisy. Students from other tables glared at us. But who cares I had fun anyways meeting these guys. The bell rang and it was the end of reccess. I dragged Eun Ji to follow me to the toilet. On the way, we we're stopped by a clique, 3 girls. "Unnie, these are the girls that Kai warned me about aka The Junior Plastics" she whispered to me. "Yah! Who gave you permission to whisper infront of us?"  the one on the right said. "How dare you fell into my Kris oppa hands?" she pointed at me and I pushed her plastic hand away from me.

Finally the one in the middle spoke,"You bitches better stay away from our EXO or else-"  "Or else what?" Eun Ji cut her off. She went forward and pulled Eun Ji's ponytail. I immidiately grab her hand away and flung her onto her back. "Didn't I tell you that I've mastered martial arts, muay thai, karate, taekwondo and jiu jitsu? Oh wait, that's right i didn't" I told her and her other pests while dusting my hands. I pulled her hair, she's struggling to get off and I warned her "Now listen here shank. The only person who can pull my sister's hair would be me.  And don't you dare lay a finger on her or I'll rip you three bitches apart. One by one, and I'm gonna rip off that wig once and for all. Got that?"  they nodded and ran off. 

"You okay?"  I asked Eun Ji. "That was some strong words unnie. That's why you're my unnie and I love you"  she said. 

Hey guys. Im really really sorry for the short update. And thanks for reading my fanfic, it means a lot to me. Fighting!

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