Chapter 16

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I finally got a hold of myself. I let go and cleared my throat. "I miss you" I said. He hold both of my hands, "I miss you even more" he said. I laughed "Hey! What's so funny? I'm not lying" he said.

"Stop being so cheesy" I chuckled. He smirked and swoop me up. "Hey! Let me down!" I said while hitting his back. "You had enough running, now stop whining" he said cooly.


He let me down once we reached, a park. I got lost into my world again, admiring how beautiful the sky is at night. Kris suddenly sat down cross-legged. I looked at him and he pat on the spot next to him.

So I sat next to him, looking at the sky. He yawned and stretched his arms. He placed his arm around me, I automaticly turned to him. He was already staring at me.

We stared into each others eyes. His eyes sparkled. I blushed, "I can't believe I'm staring into Galaxy boy's eyes" . "I can't believe I'm next to the prettiest girl in the world" he said and smiled.

Damn. Can he just stop killing me with his smile. My heart beats faster and I have butterflies. "Are you really that nervous? I can hear your heartbeat, next to mine" he scoffed.

I burst into laughter. " I saw you, with another girl" I said seriously. "That's why I came to explain. I got suspicious when you didn't answer my 105 missed calls, 79 texts and 43 voice mails." he counted.

I widened my eyes "What?! You're kidding me right?" "Does this handsome face tells you that i'm kidding?" he said. Hehehe

"Anyways, the whole thing was a fake-relationship that the agency forced me to do so that they can get rid of the scandals between you and I. Wait a minute. Were you jealous?" he raised his eyebrows.

I blushed. "What? Pfft, please I was- WASN'T jealous"  I exclaimed. He smirked "You hesitated" he said. "Fine, maybe I was a little" I admitted. It was more than a lot, I'm serious.

My phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket and checked who was texting me. It's Myungsoo! He must have finished his schedule for the day

M : Eun Hye! I'm done with work. Meet up?

I grinned a little. I was about to reply when "Yah! Why are you smiling at the screen? Is it a guy?"  he asked madly. "Wha?No he isn't" I exclaimed. Oh no, iI said 'he' .He snatched my phone away and read the text. 

"Lee Eun Hye yah! Are you cheating on me?" he asked sadly. "Who said I was cheating on you? Plus, we never even had a relationship"  I said. 

Just then, my phone rang. Myungsoo said the screen. Kris stood up and answered the call, I yelled hey to Kris. He purposely put it on speaker. He covered my mouth with his hand. "By any chance, are you L from Infinite?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'm the one. And, who are you? Why are you answering my friend, Eun Hye's phone?"  Myungsoo asked from the phone. "Oh yeah? Well I'm Christopher, Eun Hye's boyfriend" he said.

I laughed pretty loud when he said Christopher. He hushed me. Sheesh. "Eun Hye told me that she doesn't have a boyfriend"  Myungsoo said.

"I guess she didn't tell you. Now stay away from her" Kris said. "Yah! We're just fr-" Kris hung up. He was holding my phone up in the air with his right hand and the other hand he was pushing me away.

"Why are you even friends with him?" Kris asked me. "Well I'm sorry, 'Christopher'. What's wrong being friends?" To state the obious.

"It's just well, I'm jealous" he pouted. "Don't worry we're just friends" I said. I held out my pinky finger, "Promise". We pinky finger-ed.


He walked me back to my house. Man I'm cold. Kris stopped infront of me. "What?" I said. He kept quiet. He took off his jacket and swung it over on me.

"Feeling warmer?" he asked. "Not really" I pouted. He knew what I want so he kept close , his arm around me.

He looked at me raising his eyebrows playfully. I smacked him on his ribcage. He chuckled. We kept quiet until reached the alley to my house.

He suddenly stopped walking again and took out something from his pocket. He kneeled down and held my hand "Lee Eun Hye, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

I pulled his hands and he stood. "No," I said. "Wha- but, but why?" he asked sadly. "I thought I'm already your girlfriend" "Yah! You made me scared" he said.

I laughed and he put a purple plastic ring on my finger. I kissed his forehead. I touched his cheeks and they were hot. "Stop it. I'm blushing" he said.

I chuckled. And we continued to walk.


We stopped infront of the gate and faced each other. "You're not coming in?" I asked. "I wish I could but I have to rush back to the dorm" he said.

I took off his jacket but he stopped me. "It's for you to get warm. Keep it" I just nodded. "All the best during the tour" I said. "Thanks, Eun Hye" he said in his raspy voice.

I can't control myself from smiling. Finally I went inside. I waved at him and he blew a kiss. My expression was an ew. He laughed and left.


I opened my bedroom door and Eun Ji was there. "How did your date go?" she asked. I threw at her a pillow. "Well, he asked me to be his girlfriend" I said shyly.

She squealed. Typical Eun Ji. I told her everything and she finally went back to her room. I took out my phone and unblocked him.

He was right about the missed calls and the others. He texted me a Goodnight. I sent him back a smiley face.

I got ready for bed. I put myself to sleep despite I can't. It's a meaningful night.

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