Chapter 6

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What's taking her so long? Finally! She barged in, as usual. "I know him!" she said breathlessly. "Know who? The Fan guy?" I asked her. "Remember- wh-when I pointed to the sign-signboard back in the car?" she asked me "What about it? I didn't asked you too come here to fangi-" I was about to finish not when she said "That's him," she took her moment to breathe and then continued "Wu Yi Fan"

What the hell is she talking about? "And your point is?" I said confusingly. She got fed up and look up on Google, on my computer. Wu Yi Fan then she clicked Search. "Wow!" I think I said that out loud because Eun Ji gave me that grin. The grin goes like I-know-you-like-him. "Shut up" and I gave her a fist on the shoulder.

"I didn't say any-" before she could finsih her sentence I immediately answered "So, how can we meet this guy? Where does he live or anything?" "About that, he's one of the boys from a boy group called EXO. "So?" I asked her, "So, that means security will be very tight" . "UGH! I'll never get my bag back, so would he" I lied on the bed and sighed.

"Correction about your UGH it's a YAY" she said. "What do you mean a 'YAY'? I'll never get my bag back !" I yelled. "Oh yes you will. Come see this" she said and I walk over to the computer and my eyes glued on the screen. I read on Eventhough EXO is famous and goes around to have tours worldwide, school is their number one priority. Then bla bla bla They are studying in Seoul High.

I look at Eun Ji with the what-the-fuck look. "You gotta be kidding me" I said still amazed. "It says here on the screen" she says. "By the way, when will school starts for us?" I said happily. "Appa told me ummm- tommorow" she answered.

Then a knock on the door. "Door's open" Eun Ji answered. It's one of our housekeeper, she brought in two identical school uniforms. "Sorry for interupting miss, Mr.Lee said that you girls will be starting school from tommorow onwards. Oh, and these are the uniforms. Now excuse me." the housekeeper hanged both the uniforms behind the door.

Out of no where, Eun Ji squealed. "Oh my GOSHH. Seoul High is fabbbb. I can't wait for school tommorow." "You know, I think we're the only two people in the entire universe who's excited for school" I said which is probably true. Eun Ji ran to the door and took her uniform and said " Adios Chicka!" before she left for her room.

I looked back to the computer and sat there. Reading stuff about this Wu Yi Fan guy. It says that he's a Canadian. From Vancouver. No wonder when he apologized his English sounds so fluent. Like mine of course. Just then I realised "MY IPOD IS- IS PASSWORDLESS" oh damn damn damn. I hope he won't look into my personal stuff in there. Like when one time, I took a video of me singing and dancing.

Just wait and see what happens tommorow.


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