57th Expedition

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The day was finally here, moments from now I would earn my wings of freedom as I rode out on my first expedition beyond the wall, and I was a bundle of nerves mixed in with excitement and fear at finally taking those first steps beyond the wall. 

Everything we had been working toward this last month was finally going to pay off as we filed into Karaness District with our horses and wagons ready to depart from the outer Gate, but first things first, last-minute checks before the big push.

Coming to a standstill in the main street, the Commander and his section commanders went about their final preparations as we all stood by our horses ready to mount up when the Commander gave his signal, and it couldn't come soon enough.

It was time to take the fight to the Titans!

Too long had I waited for this moment, the moment when I would begin to exact my revenge on those murderous bastards for what they took from us. Today was the first step in taking it back once and for all and driving the monsters back to where they came!

"Here put these in your pockets." Aurora's hushed voice startled me from my murderous thoughts as she came up beside me with a large sack over her shoulder and two sealed bars in her hands which she was waving in my face. Pulling my eyebrows together in confusion, I took the bars from her freckled hands with no idea as to what she was giving me.

"Its ration bars" she laughed at my baffled face, "We will be stopping at some point so make sure you eat then. Can't save humanity on an empty stomach".

Why has she got a sack full of ration bars or more importantly, HOW?!

"Where did you get them all from?" I asked incredulously as she pulled the sack from her shoulder and pulled out more bars.

"I have my ways" Aurora winked before she gestured towards my jacket to stuff the bars in.

Man, she's not supposed to have those is she?

"Thanks" I laughed nervously as I stuffed the contraband into my inner pockets out of sight.

"Don't tell me you bribed the quartermaster again?" Rian quipped as he joined us and holding out the bars in her hand, Aurora shook her head at her brother as he too accepted the bars and stashed them in his pockets with a quick look around to see who was looking.

It's not like she is being discreet! She's lugging around the damn sack for god sake!

"I have never bribed him thank you, he just happens to like me." Aurora sassed as she dug back into the bag and pulled out more military issued food. Wait a second, is she talking about the same grumpy old quartermaster that supplies the scouts because I doubt that sour faced toad likes anyone never mind Aurora.

"Aha." Rian drawled as he peered in the sack and scoffed, "There are enough rations in that sack for half the platoon, how on earth did you get them all out here without being caught?"

Aurora pulled a childish face at her brother before she spotted something over my shoulder and smiled slyly.

"Oluo, think fast," Aurora called out as she threw a ration bar at Oluo's unsuspecting head. Snickers erupted around us as the bar bounced of Oluo's forehead and he scrambled to catch it before inspecting the wrapped block of food with a suspicious look on his face.

"You bribe the quartermaster again Aurora?" Eld mockingly condemned as he and Gunther came up behind Aurora and stuck their hands in the large sack, grabbing a handful of bars before they too quickly stuffed them in their jackets as Aurora swatted at them in scorn.

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