Chapter 14: Rotten peach blossom

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In the end, everyone did not drink but the atmosphere became boisterous.  The way men expressed their friendship was a bit strange.  They talked about awkward incidents that happened to them in the past with the intention to bring down the other party.

"Lei Feng is the coldest and quietest man in the whole world."  Yin Ze concluded.  "Xiao Yun, you must be careful of him, he has a bellyful of evil tricks."

"Thank you for your concern but instigation is not needed."  Lei Feng was unperturbed.  "Xiao Yu is clear about our bottom line.  Among the three of us, I am the only one who has my first love as my only love.  I have only one special love which cannot be compared to you two scums."

"Damn!  You are actually the one instigating."  Yin Ze turned to face Gao Yu Lan and with a sincere look, he said.  "Don’t listen to him.  I have the purest heart.  In fact, the most uncouth is Meng Gu.  His women are innumerable."

"Scram!"  Meng Gu threw a handful of soybeans across the table at him. 

Yin Ze held up his hands to count on his fingers.  "Liang Xiao Xia, Ren Mei Hua, Wang Fang, Liu Ying…….  The women I know is around ten of them and what about those I don’t know about?"

Chen Ruo Yu listened with her ears perked up.  This big flowery radish*…..really despise him.  He is really unreliable.  Fortunately, she had turned back in time and was not in deep trouble.

(Flowery radish means a man who is fickle in love and is unfaithful.)

This time, Ding Xiao Yun sided with Meng Gu and said.  "Those people can't be considered as Meng Gu's girlfriends.  They were the ones who chased him.  In the end, when they can't get him, they said unkind things about him.  I think Meng Gu is the victim."

"Correct."  Meng Gu grinned.  "Only Xiao Yun understands me, that's why the one I love best in this life is you."

Chen Ruo Yu's heart jumped, raised her head and looked earnestly at Ding Xiao Yun.  Delicate and lovely, beautiful and poise, these qualities were all found in Nurse Tian and Liang Sisi.  They were all the same type.

On one side, Lei Feng glared at Meng Gu.  "Do you want to die?"

"One to one?"  Meng Gu lifted his eyebrows and challenged him.

"Damn!  At that time, I should not have helped you and left this scum to wander around until you die."  Lei Feng retorted.

"At that time, it was Xiao Yun who found me.  What the fart has it to do with you?"

"Xiao Yun only looked for you because you are my buddy.  It was all because of me."  Lei Feng said.

"So you're really in love with me?  Xiao Yun is only a shield?"  Shamelessly Meng Gu leaned forward and hugged Lei Feng.  "My dear, you should have told me earlier.  I also have the same feelings for you."

"Me too.  I really love you, Brother Feng."  Yin Ze placed his hand over his heart.  "Just listen to my heartbeat."

"Damn!"  Lei Feng could not stand it any longer.  He jumped up and gave each of them a few punches.

The three big men went to one side and fought it out.  Xiao Yun and Yin Ning gave the other two women an explanation to clear up the confusion.

When Meng Gu was a child, he had a very bad temper.  His rebellious stage arrived a bit early and was especially long.  He was always in confrontation with his family.  Because his father was the Deputy Dean of the hospital, so it was hoped that Meng Gu would inherit his father's position. Since Meng Gu was young, it was his father's wish he would become a doctor in future but Meng Gu's father's teaching methods were a bit too harsh.  Meng Gu's relationship with his father was not good and so he did the opposite.  He did not study well and he insisted on not taking his exams to facilitate his entry into Medical University.  Later they had a big quarrel and he left home.

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