Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

A big, silver coach/van pulls up into the big drive and a group of 8 people pile out. Max climbs out first followed by a scruffy-looking Tom, Abigail(Tom’s girlfriend), Siva, Jay, Nathan, Emma (Nathan’s girlfriend) and then Charly (Jay’s fiancée). They all stop and take a moment to appreciate the size of the gigantic house they have just managed to buy thanks to the success of the boy bands music. They’re all stunned at the beauty of it.

“Oh My God, pinch me!” Emma exclaimed.

Nathan gently nabbed her elbow

“Thanks, Nathan. I was only joking you sloth!” She joked gripping his hand and pulling him up to the door. “Who has the keys?”

“Here ya go!” Siva chucks the small silver key over the others heads and into Emma’s hand, she turns it gently ‘til it clicks, pushing open the white door.

“Wow!” Jay and Charly say simultaneously, grinning.

“All of you! Behave yourselves. Kev, Martin and I are going to leave you guys to unpack all the boxes that will arrive shortly. Please, be good!” Jayne pleads looking straight at Tom who was smirking the whole time.

“We’re always good! Now get out!” Tom jokes as he gestures for her to leave the house. She nods and jumps into the van again. Abigail puts one arm round Tom’s waist and he does the same to her as they wave goodbye and the removal van pulls up.

“Let’s get moving!” Siva cheers, encouraging all of the others. Piles and piles of boxes fill up the living room and every kitchen surface is covered in odd objects that didn’t need a box and bubble wrap. There’s a small walkway from the stairs to the door which everyone is using to gradually take their stuff to the appropriate rooms. The removal van has already driven away and everyone was getting comfortable in their new surroundings.

They start sorting out the room arrangements.

“I’ll have this single one next to the bathroom opposite Jay and Charly, Siva can have the single next to mine and opposite Tom and Abs and Emma and Nathan can have the room at the end of the hallway. Deal?” Max asks the rest of the group who all nod in agreement. All of them go into their separate rooms to start sorting out the objects they had packed earlier on in the week.

All of a sudden, there is a large bang from downstairs. They all swing open their doors and rush down to see the source of the noise. Two boxes had fallen over and a cupboard door had opened up.

“That’s weird, there’s not even a draft!” Siva said as he closes the door of the cupboard and Abigail and Charly right the fallen boxes.

“Maybe it’s a ghost come to use your silk sheets!” Jay jokes sitting on their sofa and opening a box of fan mail.

All the others jog back upstairs to continue sorting out their rooms. Jay is completely oblivious to his surroundings because of being so interested in the funny and crazy objects the fans have sent him. He doesn’t notice a box behind him slowly opens and 2 books come out. They land with a thud to the floor beside him, making him jump. His eyes search the room around him for an excuse as to why the books came out of the box that was high on the table.

“Guys! Come here a second!” He calls feeling a little freaked out.

“What now, Bird?” Nathan asks looking a bit annoyed at the disturbance.

Jay tells the group of the odd incident and they all laugh at him.

“Oh My Days, you don’t actually expect us to believe that, do you? You’re just trying to freak us out!”  No-one believes him.

“It was probably just the wind...” Jay assures himself letting him and the others return to the task at hand. “But something weird is going on here...”

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