Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 –

"I can't believe I've just done that. I've killed my best friend." Tom chokes on his words in tears. "Max, come back..."

"He's never coming back." Joel says.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" Ryan laughs. The Wanted has fallen apart. There are only two members still alive. That's ridiculous.  Tom is forced to sit in Max's chair and Nathan tries to comfort him but it's not working. He just looks at Abigail for comfort but she can't talk so nothing can make him feel any better. 

"Well, now what? Are you gonna let us go?" Charly asks, wriggling around in the chair trying to get loose.

"Ahahahahahahahahahaha!" Lawson all laugh hysterically. Charly just gives them the evils. Emma is looking around the room with her eyes, trying to find the key to unlock the chains with. Abigail starts having a hissy fit. She stamps her feet and tries to pull the rope apart, screaming through her tape which comes out as a whisper in the breeze.  After the 4 boys have calmed down Joel storms over and rips the tape off of Abigail's mouth and jabs something into her arm.  She groans and her eyes go blurry. 

"What the fuck did you just do to her?" Tom demands.

"Oh, I just put her to sleep using this. She'll be back in around 2 hours." Joel readjusts the giant needle and checks it's empty. 

"I'll be here when you wake up, babe. I promise. I won't leave you." Tom reassures Abigail. 

"Don't leave like Max, Siva and Jay did please..." She slurs finally resting her head on her own shoulder and sleeping. 

"That's a great idea, Joel! Good lad!" Andy smiles. He hands Ryan a needle of the same proportions and they both plunge them in the two girls. 

Nathan says, "Emma, stay calm, babe. I'll be waiting for you. And Charly, stay strong, sweet." They both nod their heads and relax in the same position as Abigail. Except Emma is on the floor covered in chains.  "Why did you have to do that? They're scared and frightened!" Nathan exclaims.

"And for good reason!" Tom adds. The Lawson lads worked as a team taking the two dead members down and resting them on their own beds. They then did the same to Tom and Nathan, tying them on their own beds.  They are 4 mentally sick boys playing sick games. I mean they've put two dead men back on their own beds, staining the sheets scarlet. 

The girls wake up two and half hours later, longer than expected, on the kitchen floor. At first they think it's all a bad dream. Then Abigail spots the blood over all of their clothes. "Fuck." She says, sitting up abruptly.

"What's happening?" Charly asks, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. 

"I don't know, but we are free. Let's get the fuck out of here!" Emma suggests helping the two other girls to their feet. 

They leg it to the front door. "It's locked!" Charly says, trying to pull the handle in all different directions. "Back door!" Abigail shouts and they sprint past the basement door and into the dining room to get out the back. They are stopped in their tracks as they see the four members of Lawson sat down around the long 8-seater table.

"Sit down!" Andy orders. The girls obey and each sits down on a chair opposite the four boys. "Right, we as a group have decided we would like to keep this house. It's a bit bigger than ours and well, we won't be traced easily if everyone thinks you're still living here. So, as it's a mess. And we are definitely not cleaning it up..."

Andy waits for an ending to his sentence.  "You want us to clean your shit up?" Emma asks. 

"That is correct!" He agrees.

"And if we say no?" Charly asks. 

"Then you die!" Ryan threatens menacingly. 

"You'll be our maids!" Joel cheered happily.  The girls have to accept, they don't want to die. 

"What have you done with Tom and Nathan?" Abigail asks.

"No more questions!" Adam hushes her. Charly twists her engagement ring around her finger; Jay had excellent taste in jewellery, surprisingly enough. 

"Get to work!" Joel orders. They reluctantly accept. What can they do? They'd rather tidy than die but what have Lawson done to Nathan and Tom?

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