Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 –

The next morning, all the alarms went off at 9 o’clock.

“Jay, turn off the alarm!” Charly rolls over to find Jay’s side of the bed empty. She turns off the alarm herself wondering where her fiancée has gone.

Everyone had gotten out of their beds except Lawson who didn’t have the alarm. They all gather on the landing.

“Have any of you seen Bird this morning?” Charly asks them.

“No, nope, nah!” is the general chorus of the group.


“Oh God, what if Jay’s down there with that thing?” Charly worries.

“It sounds like it came from outside. Let’s all go down together just in case.” Siva reassures her.

“Hang on, hang on. I need a wee wee.” Max childishly says, going to the toilet. The bathroom is right next to the stairs.

The others watch him walk to the bathroom door, go to open it and then stop. He looks down the stairs and his face goes white and pale.

“What is it Max?” Tom asks him.

“Umm...” Max rushes to the toilet and is sick.

He comes out wiping his mouth on his sleeve. He points to the top of the stairs. The others go over to look and they all stare in shock. There was a leg, pale yet red with blood and bent. Max goes down the stairs further.

“Max, who’s is it? Max? It’s not... not Jay! NOOOO!!!” Charly runs back to her room and jumps into the bed where Jay was sleeping nine hours before.

Max comes back up the stairs and hugs Siva. Both of them starting to tear up. Tom hides Abigail’s face in his shirt which dries up her tears. Nathan chokes up telling Emma that she and Abs should comfort Charly whilst they sort this out. “Let’s be strong for Jay!” He says.

“Jay is dead, Nath! How can we be strong?” Siva asks through tears, letting go of Max.

“Seev, he’s right, we have to sort something out. Someone, go and tell Andy, Adam, Ryan and Joel what has happened.” Max orders as the two girls knock on Charly’s door trying to gain entry.

“We will.” Tom agrees. He goes to explain everything with Nathan. Lawson are just shocked. They don’t say anything. They just sit in their beds open-mouthed.

“Siva, call the police!” Max orders. Siva uses the house landline in his room.

All he can hear is a tone. “The landline isn’t working!”

“Use your fucking mobile then! Just get the police...and an ambulance!”

Emma and Abigail finally get into Charly’s room, they soothe her. All everyone else can hear is her wailing.

“They’re on their way!” Siva calls.

“Let’s just wait here then!” Max sits down in the hall way. “There’s no damn way, I’m going down there. Jay...”

“Agreed!” Tom sits down next to him.

“Girls, come out here!” Nathan calls.

Charly’s face is tear-stained and red. She’s fiddling with her engagement ring. All 7 of them sit down.

They all don’t notice that the Lawson boys have gone downstairs. They looked at Jay.

“Ha-ha! Look, the blood is everywhere!” Joel laughs.

“Shut up, Joel! Be Quiet!” Andy hushes him. “We have to go about this quietly.”

“Go about what?” Ryan asks.

“We’re going to kill them all obviously!” Andy replies, smiling. His white teeth glint in the early morning sunrise.

Lawson has always been jealous of ‘The Wanted’ they are/were the only boy band getting in their way. They hadn’t even bothered to talk to Lawson outside of the concerts after all that time touring with them. The Wanted had made it big and now it was their turn. Lawson wanted revenge.

They all smiled and walked off into the garden. Adam kicks Jay’s leg as he walks out.

“What’s the plan?” Joel asks, chuckling.

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