Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 –

“I think it’s time we go and visit our next-door neighbours, don’t you?” Max suggests the next morning.

“That’s a great idea! Seeing as we’re the only ones up and about, well downstairs, us three should go, sound good?” says Nathan.

“Let’s go!” Siva replies heading to the front door.

“Be back in a minute, Emma!” Nathan shouts upstairs.

As they walk up to the door next to theirs Siva says, “I didn’t even realise we had neighbours, they’re always so quiet!”

“Maybe you should be quiet for once!” Nathan gently punches him on the shoulder.

They ring the doorbell.

“Coming!” A familiar voice calls.

“It can’t be...” Nathan looks at the others.

*Joel opens the door*

“Oh My God, hiya!” Joel greets them all with a hug. “Guys, look who it is” He calls to the others.

The rest of Lawson join him at the door.

“Oh my days, hey guys! What are you doing here?” Ryan asks confused.

“Oh, we’ve just moved in next door and came to check out our new neighbours and here you are!!!” Max laughs.

“Wow, we haven’t seen you since your tour!” Andy smiles.

“Do you want to come to ours? We have alcohol!” Nathan winks at the boys as he creepily does.

“And three gorgeous girls, you know them from the arena tour!” Siva adds.

“Sure thing!” Lawson chorus at the same time and follow the 3 lads back to the house.

The boys introduce Lawson to the girls, Tom and Jay again. They were excited but shocked to see them there.

*Hours and hours, drinks after drinks later*

“It’s so dark outside!” Ryan notifies everybody.

“We have eyes, Ryan!” Adam jokes, throwing his beer bottle into the bin. “You’re right though, we better head back.”

Jay being as kind-hearted as ever suggests, “No, you should stay! After all, it would be nice to have some real men here. I even used Charly’s soap this morning, I smell of flowers.”

“Fancy it boys?” Joel asks the others.

“Yep. I’m kinda tired now though...” Adam yawns.

“Me too, I’ll move into Seev’s room and you can all share mine.” Max heads upstairs to start rearranging. The Lawson lads follow him up.

“I suppose we all better sleep. It’s pretty late now.” Jay takes Charly’s hand and heads upstairs too.

“Are you two ok in your room again?” Nathan asks Tom and Abs.

“We’ll have to face it sometime.” Tom replies moving cautiously past the basement door and taking Abigail with him.

They all get ready for bed and snuggle under the covers and sleep.

*At midnight that night*

Jay wakes up, hungry.

“Charly....Charly?” Jay jabs at the covers. Charly rolls over but is not waking up.

He decides to go down on his own and get some food. As he walks past the basement door he notices it’s open slightly. He closes it gently, trying not to wake the others. He goes to the centre of the kitchen under the hanging pots and pans and starts searching for some cereal.

He notices the outside light by the pool flickers so he goes over to the window, slowly.  It’s all so quiet and peaceful. He sits back down at the breakfast table and pours a drink of milk. He doesn’t notice the pans above his head start to swing violently. Suddenly, they start to clatter and make noises. He looks up and just as he does one hits him on the forehead. It dazes him and he hits his head on the table. He slowly recovers and gets up, looking round for something, anything.

He feels something invisible pull his shirt, it lifts him up and whacks him against the wall. It has made Jay’s breathing go mental so he can’t even shout or anything. It swings him against the wall again and again until his left rib cage is shattered and blood starts forming in Jay’s mouth. He's dropped to the floor, semi-conscious. He is dragged, spitting blood as he goes, along the floor, into the hallway and through the basement door.

The house goes completely silent again. Nothing is heard, the door gently clicks behind Jay’s almost lifeless body.

All of a sudden, Jay forces out a piercing scream and stops as if his breathing is cut off. He’s thrown through the door and left to bleed in the hallway.

The blood is choking him. All the strength in his body is willing him to shout but he can’t. He utters his last word; no-one can hear him. “Charly...” He whispers, taking his final breath. His eyes stay open wide, body lays still. 

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