Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 –

“Hey, where have you guys been?” Max asks Lawson.

“Oh...uh... we had to get some air...” Ryan stutters.

“Yeah, it smells of rotting meat down there...”Joel mutters. Adam elbows him in the ribs.

“What did you say?” Siva asks.

“He said he wants something to eat.” Adam chips in.

“Right, ok.”

*Ding Dong*

The ambulance and police arrive. Everyone has a tough time explaining what happened to Jay.

“All of you seem to have an alibi except Charly.” The police woman said. “You all were sharing a room with someone else.”

“Charly wouldn’t hurt a fly. How can you even accuse her of that? Have you seen her? She had to face the fact her fiancée isn’t going to marry her because he was murdered. Our best friend is dead. Please. Just go.” Max pleads.

“Fine. We shall be doing further analysis on the body. We’ll be watching you, don’t leave this house.” She replies, making sure all the mess had been cleaned up. “Let’s go!” The police and ambulance staff left. The house fell silent once again.

Everyone sits on the sofas in the living room apart from Emma who sits on Nathan’s lap. She is still traumatized after the hair pulling incident.

“Who’s gonna be next?” Charly asks.

“Shut up, Charly.” Nathan argues.

“Why, why Nathan? You know it’s going to happen sometime. It might be me. It might be you. I just don’t want to die the same way my Jay did.”

“You’re not. No-one is. We all have to stick together. Now let’s watch some TV, calm ourselves down.”

“Whatever. I’m going to bed. The police were here all day today. Night guys.”

“Night!” Everyone chorused. As Charly walks up the stairs several questions fill her mind. Were the sellers of their new house out to get ‘The Wanted’? Will Charly be next? Is anyone safe?

“I’m going up now too actually.” Tom says, holding Abigail’s hand and standing up.

“Tom, wait.” Abs interjects. “Let’s all go up, c’mon.”

“Okay.” Everyone agrees. Walking over the spot where Jay was left to die makes everyone shiver (apart from Lawson). They all stare at the door as they head up to the upstairs hallway.

“Let’s all just sit down here.” Siva suggests.

The group begin to talk. Even Charly comes back out of her room, still crying but joins the chat.

They don’t see the basement door gently and slowly creak open. The fuse box clicks open and is flicked off. The lights all go off suddenly.

“Perfect!” Emma exclaims.

“This is perfect.” Adam whispers to Ryan. It’s time for their plan to go into action.

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