Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 –

Later on that day everyone has finished unpacking. The empty cardboard boxes and bubble wrap sheets are waiting in bin bags outside. All pots, pans and crockery are in the cupboards or hanging up above the ovens. The whole house has been furnished including the living room and Max’s cluttered room. Max and Nathan are sharing the job of getting the TV to work. Max is fiddling with the wired behind the television whilst Nathan is trying to get a picture on the screen by moving the aerial around. Jay, Tom, Charly and Siva are all upstairs playing with the excess bubble wrap.

Abigail and Emma are sat on the sofa opposite the TV, with their backs to the kitchen, watching the two boys fail at the technology element. The two boys are so engrossed in what they’re doing and Abigail and Emma are too busy laughing to notice the basement door (behind them) open and close, quietly. Abigail shivers suddenly as there is a drop in room temperature that no-one but her notices. She doesn’t suspect anything so they just carry on talking.

“It’s a bit cold, isn’t it?” Abigail asks the others.

“You should feel it back here.” Max calls from behind the television. “These wires are baking me alive!”

“It’s only hot over here because I’m next to you!”Nathan winks at Max.

They all start giggling again and discuss their favourite #WantedWednesday flips. Everyone starts sniggering at Max’s ‘pythons’. Suddenly Emma stops.

“What’s wrong, hun?” Abigail asks looking at Emma in confusion.

“Is Jay behind me?”

“No.” Abigail says looking behind the sofa.

“It feels like someone’s pulling my hair!” Emma panics sliding further and further backwards up the back of the sofa. She gripped Abigail’s arm and Abigail just stares in shock as her best friends hair looks like its being pulled by hands that weren’t even there. The tugging is getting more intense as is Emma’s grip whilst she’s practically being pulled off the back of the sofa.

Emma screams which alerts Max and Nathan. They turn around and are wide-eyed at the situation.  As the two boys rush over the grip suddenly loosens and Emma plops back down on the sofa. The basement door opens and clicks shut again which the guys actually notice this time.

Charly, Jay, Tom and Siva rush down the stairs after hearing the screaming.

“What on Earth just happened here?” Charly asks, holding Jays hand.

Emma explains whilst tears form in her eyes and drop onto her t-shirt.

“That’s not funny! Stop making fun of me!” Jay exclaims.

“We’re not Jay. Emma...just got pulled by....I saw it all...” Abigail tries to help Emma explain but is in too much shock. Nathan pulls Emma into a cuddle and kisses the top of her head, telling her everything will be ok.

Tom replaces Emma on the sofa and pulls Abigail onto his lap. Siva, Jay and Charly head back upstairs discussing whether their story is true or not.

“Emma, are you ok?” Max asks, sitting down on the arm of the sofa.

“I’ll be ok...”

Suddenly, the TV flickers on. “I’m getting really freaked out now.” Nathan says.

“You’re not the only one.” Max shivers.

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