Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 –

Lawson’s plan is put straight into action. It’s the perfect time. It’s dark and dangerous. It’s like the thing/things that killed Jay wanted Lawson to kill the rest of The Wanted. Lawson needed The Wanted to die to finally get their success.

“Tom? Tom?” Abigail calls.

“Yeah, babe. I can’t see you.”

“Ok, us three girls will go down and find the fuse box. You 9...8 stay here.”

The girls head down and into the kitchen. The basement door suddenly slams shut. Everyone in the house jumps.

The 3 girls scream and huddle together.

“This is so scary!” Charly shouts.

Upstairs, the Lawson boys use the door slamming as a signal. They have time. The thing or whatever it was has basically said ‘Go for it, I’ve got them all distracted for you.’

The 4 Lawson boys get up and go over to the 4 TW boys.

“What’s going on?” Nathan asks.

“We’re standing in the dark.” Andy replies, quietly smirking at the name of the song he implied. Before anything else can be said Ryan grabs Max, pulls him up and covers his mouth with his other hand. Andy, Adam and Joel do the same to Siva, Nathan and Tom. They stumble with the lads across the hallway and into a door they hadn’t been in before but thought it led to the attic. It’s in-between Nath and Emma’s room and Tom and Abs’ room. They’re right. The 4 boys are dragged upstairs, struggling and then chucked on the floor, not being able to catch a breath.

The four members of Lawson rush out and lock the door behind them.

“What the fuck are you doing? LET US OUT” Max shouts whilst Siva, Tom and Nathan shout and bang on the door.

“Tara boys!” Adam says as the lights turn back on again.

“Is it on?” Charly asks as she flicks the fuse box switches.

“Yep, come out now.” Emma says and helps her out of the downstairs cupboard.

Lawson come down the stairs. “The boys are having a private conversation. They said us 7 should stay down here. The girls all agree. Lawson all suggest they should go home and get a few bits and bobs but come back for extra protection. They come back minutes later and Joel gets handed loads of items. He goes upstairs without the girls noticing to put 3 knives and a gun in Max’s room. They had the gun because their management had given it to them for protection.

Joel sneakily joins the group again.

“Are the boys still having a man to man?” Abigail asks. Lawson all nod but really the boys are thumping on the door upstairs. Everyone’s mobile phones are in their rooms so that won’t help them.

Andy switches on the TV and they all sit down on the sofa. Emma still isn’t comfortable leaning back so Adam offers for her to sit on his lap. She accepts and they get into their distracting program.

They can’t hear the boy’s cries and shouts for help.

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