Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 –

Lawson are pleased with themselves. Already, 3 members of The Wanted are dead, one is dangerously close to dying, one is upset beyond belief and 3 girls pleading to be let go and for the two remaining boys not to be hurt. Lawson find it ridiculously pathetic that The Wanted were that close and that Nathan and Tom are scared and stuff.

*In the bathroom*

“Hey, little baby Nathan!” Joel chuckles. “You might want to watch this.”

All of the Lawson boys are in the large, clean, white bathroom taunting Emma and Nathan. Joel holds Nathan’s head up and forces him to face Emma who is shaking with fear, sat just a few feet away from him. The tears come streaming down her face and Nathan can’t wipe them away or even speak to her and calm her down through the force of Joel and the many meters of rope encasing him. Andy comes up behind her and pulls her hair until she screams in pain, countless tears run down Emma’s cheeks.

Ryan whispers something to Andy which intrigues him. A perfectly white yet evil smile grows on Andy’s face as he nods and lets Ryan back away. Andy pulls a knife from his pocket and slices Emma’s upper arms, thighs, shins and the parts of her shoulders not covered by the jumper that’s falling off of her fragile body, limply. Each time he slashes her skin her eyes water and Nathan tries to close his eyes and scream ‘No’ but Joel has a firm grip, he holds his eyes open and covers his mouth. Andy pulls Emma’s jumper up slightly, slashing her stomach. Nathan’s eyes are wet with tears that roll down his cheeks, seeing the gashes bleed and Emma crying herself. Emma screams some more when Andy kicks her bloody shins. The spine-tingling scream can be heard by Tom and Abigail in the attic.

Suddenly, an idea pops into Andy’s sick and twisted mind. He bends down, making his face close to Emma that she can feel his breath on her face. He makes sure Nathan is watching and winks at him. Ryan takes hold of Emma’s hair, making sure she can’t move as Andy kisses her forcefully. Nathan’s sadness turns into a mix of rage and violence and he just wants to punch Andy in the face and cuddle Emma until everything goes away. Make it all the worst dream he’s ever had, but he can’t. Jay, Siva and Max are dead. Tom is almost dead. Emma being hurt this way, he can’t stand it any longer. Andy releases his lips from hers, smiling devilishly at Nathan and licking his lips.

“I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry!” Emma pleads for Nathan’s forgiveness.

“There’s nothing you could do.” Nathan says solemnly.

“Shut the fuck up!” Adam orders. “Now, we are going to play a little game... Nathan, choose who should be harmed. It’s up to you!”

Emma cries out, “Let it be me! I’m already injured, please Nathan?”

“No fucking way. I can’t live without you. If you’re gone then I can’t live another second. If you died right now, I would too. Lawson, hurt me. Leave her alone!”

“No, Nathan don’t do this! I love you!”

“I love you too. And that’s why I have to do this. Just remember that, I love you, always.” He smiles meekly.

Andy raises the gun whilst Adam, Ryan and Joel start slashes Nathan’s arms and face. He winces in pain and grits his teeth.

At last, Andy pulls the trigger, Emma crying her eyes out, it doesn’t miss this time and a clean hole shoots through Nathan’s chest. He jumps with the hit before slumping down in the chair, the rope being the only thing keeping Nathan on the chair. Ryan cuts Emma’s rope and lets her free.

“Choose which way you’re heading!” He gives her the option of running out the door or towards Nathan. With no hesitation she rushes to Nathan, pressing her hand on the wound that undoubtedly went straight through his heart. She uses her other hand to cup his face and whispers through tears, “I love you, Nathan Sykes.”

“I love you too. Never forget that!” He says drifting away. Emma kisses him on the lips, softly, for the last time.

“Goodbye.” She softly whispers into his smooth, brown hair. Nathan’s eyes go cloudy and finally his fluttering heart stops beating under Emma’s hand.

She closes his eyes with her clean hand and watches as the blood flow stops pumping round his body.

4 members down, 1 to go.

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