Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 –

Lawson have mixed emotions. They are angry at Tom, sad for Joel and sick in the head. They get over it pretty quickly, the two boys dump Joel’s body next to Ryan’s in the attic and Tom’s on his and Abigail’s bed. Whilst they are doing this the three girls try and make a break for it. They rush down the stairs and head for the front door. Still locked and so is the back.

They hear Lawson creaking on the stairs so they have no choice but to hide in the basement.

“Emma, Charly, Abigail?” Adam and Andy shout for them, looking around downstairs.

The three girls are standing at the top of the basement stairs, facing the door, backs to the black unknown. Charly can feel a slight pressure on her back, like a cold finger pushing into her spine. The thing is behind them, waiting.

The thing suddenly swings open the basement door and throws the girls out to land right in front of Lawson. “Well hello there.” Adam winks at Emma which sends a shiver down her spine. He drags Emma back up 2 flights of stairs to the attic whilst Andy takes Charly and Abigail.

They both tie them all up... again!!! Abigail and Charly back on chairs whilst Emma is sloped and chained to the pipe, Nathan’s old space.

Adam and Andy know who to... hurt next. They grab extra rope that held the now dead members of the wanted and tie it round Charly’s and Abigail’s eyes to use as blindfolds. They refuse and struggle but it’s no use. The boys go over to Emma. Andy pulls her hair hard so Abigail and Charly can hear her scream. He clamps her mouth shut with his hands and pulls out a knife, holding it to her pale throat.

“How about a goodbye kiss?” Adam asks nearing her face, her hair matted with Nathan’s blood still.

Emma shakes her head furiously but Adam kisses her anyway, roughly.

“Seriously Adam. That’s enough!” Andy complains, pushing his head away and plunging the knife straight through her throat, causing scarlet, thick blood to spill from her lips and from her throat. Charly and Abs can only hear the gurgle of the blood oozing from Emma’s body and it scares them. Maybe it was a good thing to cover up their eyes as the situation Emma is in can’t be comforting.

Her eyes roll into the back of her head, eyelids closing, her breathing coming to a halt. Her shoulders sink as blood exudes down her top and her blonde hair turns crimson as her body falls sideways to the floor.

Charly muffles a scream whilst Abigail is sobbing. All of their close friends have died. All they have is each other now.

Lawson kick Emma’s body aside before coming back over to Abigail and Charly who were shaking even more than before.

They unwind the rope from their eyes but keep them tied up. The two girls stare in horror to see Emma's lifeless corpse thrown aside like an old toy or something.

"How the fuck do you carry these things out?" Charly asks in disgust.

"Easy peasy. Take a knife stick in someone then they are dead. It's pretty simple actually." Adam states.

"Charly, we have to think of the positives." Abigail says, eyes transfixed on Emma.

"There are no positives."

"Well, just think at least she's back with Nathan now. And Siva, Max, Tom and even your Jay."

"I suppose." Charly agrees.

"No, we must think of the negatives like how she's not going to get a funeral, maggots are going to eat her decomposing body." Andy insists.

The room goes silent. Suddenly, they hear the sound of someone turning on the TV downstairs. 

The Thing is back again.

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