Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 –

It’s twilight outside, the sky is red. The clouds are rolling past and it’s late and dark. The sun has gone down and the stars have come out. A whole day has passed since the hair pulling incident. Nothing has happened out of the ordinary, no-one will go near the sofa, TV or basement door though.

Everyone is asleep in their beds, cosy and warm apart from Abigail and Tom.

“I’m not that tired actually...” Tom winks at Abigail. He starts undressing himself and Abs is already waiting for Tom in checked pyjama shorts and a grey vest top. She’s under the covers smiling at Tom as he climbs on top of her. They start to kiss, getting more and more passionate. Tom has worked his way down to Abigail’s vest top.

Meanwhile, no-one is around to hear the basement door creak open as if something was brushing past it

Abigail and Tom are still kissing fiercely and moving around on the bed freely. They can’t see or hear their bedroom door open wider. Tom can feel something tugging on his ankle. He kicked his foot and resumed kissing, the thing backs off. Suddenly it gains a surge of energy and grips Tom’s ankle hard, yanking him off of Abz and onto the floor. It drags him to the door on his stomach.

“Oh My God! Tom what the fuck is happening?”

“I don’t know get it the fuck off me!” He screams, kicking his feet which doesn’t stop whatever it is.

Abs jumps up and rushes over to Tom who is gripping onto the door handle whilst he’s being dragged out of the room. His fingers are slipping so Abigail takes hold of his hands and pulls him back into the room. It becomes a tug of war between her and this thing. Tom is in pain being pulled hard in opposite directions. With a big pull Abs managed to pull Tom back into the room and slam the door shut behind him.

“Tom are you ok?” Abigail starts to cry wrapping her arms around his body.

“I’ve been better. Shall we go wake the others up?”

“Yeah...ok.” They hold hands and Tom, leading the way opens the door a bit and pulls Abigail with him across to the opposite bedroom which belongs to Siva. They wake him up and call the others in. Once they were all in, they heard the basement door slam again.

“It must just be the wind...” Max suggests even though he’s unsure.

Tom and Abigail explain the events and everyone is shocked and scared. Max and Siva and close to each other. Emma and Nathan are holding hands and Charly and Jay looked more freaked out than anyone except Abs and Tom.

“Guys, it’s 3 in the morning. Let’s get some sleep.” Siva suggests urging to get people out of his room.

“Well, we’re not going back in that room again! I have carpet burn on my six pack!” Tom tries making the situation comical and all the others laugh nervously.

Tom makes his way to Max’s room on a blow-up bed after kissing Abigail goodnight. Abs takes a blow-up bed in Emma and Nathan’s room.

“Night guys!” Siva shouts to the rest of the house.

“Night Seev!” The majority of them call back.

Emma’s lamp flickers.

“That is definitely not the wind!” Abigail dives under the covers.

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